3: Shit We'll Be Late!!

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Drew wilby sooty the footy. Anyway here you go. More deaf stuff and for you dumbasses who thought he was blind HAHAHAH

Enjoy!! <3333

Tommy woke up to his mother shaking him slightly, since alarm clocks where useless to him.

"Good morning toms." She signed, Tommy could barely even open his eyes to see what she said. He just merely sat up and rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up.

He quickly dressed himself in a regular red and white hoodie, that similarly matched with his red baseball tee. Then he wore regular jeans, that barely fit him because he had grown so much over the e summer.

And lastly topped it off with white sneakers and a blue snow jacket he dearly loved. As well as taking is hearing aids.

Y/n was waken up by her alarm, she sat up in a tired manner. Trying her best not too seek to tired just in case her step father was awake already. Although she doubted it, it was a precaution she chose to follow.

She slipped on a button up shirt which was nicely hidden under a vest with only the collar showing. And a some random black jeans she found in her closet. Which was topped off by a pair of doc martins.

(You can change it)

She walked out side her door shooting her mom as quick text before grabbing an apple and her backpack.

Tommy was nervous because this was his first day at a new school. He had transferred to the same school his friend Freddie was in, which was way more reassuring that he would have someone he already knew at his school.

But still he was nervous, not anything in particular. But it always swayed to the thought of people making fun of him, it's what had happened at his old school.

But there was some hope in Tommy, at least he'd have Freddie. And that's all that mattered.

He grabbed his bag and hugged his mom before leaving, but not before a kiss from his mom which always embarrassed him. Despite no one watching.

"Thank mom" he signed before waving good bye and walking out of the house and onto the pavement.

Y/n lived a good distance from the school, but wanted to get there early. She had nothing better to do at least.

She checked her phone and began to run towards the school, not catching sight of the boy who was on his phone.

She yelled but didn't catch his attention, and before clashing into the teen, he caught her before falling on her face.

Embarrassed she picked up her books while spilling our apologies. But the boy didn't respond just stood their stunned.

She looked up and took a while but recognized the boy.

"OH SHIT ITS YOU!!" She said blushing putting her water bottle back in the pocket that it fell from.

"Uh sorry, I couldn't hear you." He sad placing in his hearing aid, he looked back at the girl to help her before realizing.

"WHAT?? You're the girl right?? The one at the library??!!" He beamed, y/n nodded still embarrassed by the incident.

"Are you ok? Sorry for not helping you with your books." He said nervously, but y/n didn't mind. She found herself marveling at his features before snapping out of it.

"It's ok don't worry, thank you for not letting me eat shit." She said chuckling, Tommy nodded with laughing with a smile on his face.

No problem, are you starting school yet?" He asked, y/n nodded, and pointed at his backpack.

"I'm guessing you are too." She said chuckling, Tommy realized what he just asked despite seeing the backpack.

"BAHAHA, sorry I'm dumb sometimes." He said, his laugh was loud and boomed but in a way it was comforting. As if everttime he chuckled or laughed it set as spark in the air, or in y/n.

"It's ok, where do you go to collage at?" She asked still smiling at Tommy's frantic laughing and smiling.

"Oh I go to (idk what to name the school)" Tommy said, y/n lit up.

"Same! Are you new, I haven't seen you around." Y/n said trying her best to be as comforting as she could. She didn't want to come off as rude or too loud. It was the first time anyone had ever actually held a conversation with her.

"I am yeah, my friend goes here so I transferred." He said, he then checked his phone and gasped. Y/n did the same, confused, but immediately noticed the time.

"Shit we'll be late." Y/n said in a panic, Tommy nodded and the both of them bolted.

"SHIT!!" Tommy yelled as they both ran together in a fit of laughter and panic. Luckily they made it just minute before the bell rang, but but not without a moment to catch their breath.

"You're slow." Tommy said, y/n glared at him.

"Well sorry I don't have super long legs." Y/n said jokingly being offended, Tommy couldn't help but laugh.

"HEY TOMS!!" Y/n heard a yell from the crowd, Tommy whipped his head around to see Freddie. Who had soft pink hair and pretty eye liner on. Y/n gave a nervous wave as he glanced over at her.

"Who's this?" Freddie signed nudging Tommy's shoulder with a sly grin on his face.

"I'm y/n, and yeah I know sign language." She sighed back, which obviously caught he Freddie off guard. Tommy couldn't help but laugh.

"AYYY!! Nice to know you know sign language. Nice to meet you I'm Freddie." He said letting out a hand for y/n to shake. She gladly took it with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Freddie." Y/n said Tommy just stared still amused by Freddie's face.

The bell rang, which sent all three of them to whip their heads around to see everyone moving to their classes.

"We'll catch you two later!!" Y/n said heading her way to her classes, but was stopped by one of the aids.

"Hello Y/n." She said stopping y/n in the halls, she waved shyly.

"Uh, hi." She said nervously, the aid just smiled and carried on with talking.

"We know you know sign language, and if you haven't met him already we paired you two in classes and I need you to escort him." She said, I heard someone else walking towards us.

"His name is Thomas Simons, and here he is!!" She said bringing Tommy over, She chuckled to herself. Oh had things come full circle.

"Well well, guess we meet again." Tommy sighed, y/n rolled her eyes but had a smile before signing back.

"Oh shut up."

Don't know what to write here so, tits, boobs, cock, wiener, Worcestershire sauce.

Word count: 1150


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora