23: Poggers?

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I proudly present Bootitas as a puppy, she was so small when we got her. And I took care of her before my grandma actually started to care for her. Because I was getting paid lmao. But she is the cutest thing, and her big sister is getting old so pray she doesnt have a heart attack and die. 😌✌️✨ anyway enjoy!!


"Alright then if that's what you wish for." Tommy said, laughing as he sat down next to her bed. Y/n was chowing down at her jello. It had felt like days before she had eaten.

"Man, I feel like shit." Tommy added, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked with a mouthful of Jello, she swallowed it slowly, as to not to be rude.

"It's just, I should've done something. I knew and I didn't." Tommy said, resting his head on the bed. Y/n sighed and grabbed his hand, she intertwined her fingers with his and gave him a warm comforting smile.

"If you did, Robert wouldn't be in custody. I wouldn't have been free like I am now." Y/n said, Tommy sighed. She was right, if he had said anything she would've gotten even more beaten. But to her luck she was alright and would be able to make a speedy recovery.

"I guess you're right." Tommy sighed. He still felt guilty that she wouldn't be in such a state if he would have spoken up, but he knew she was right, and his moping was just his head trying to find something to tear at him.

"Of course I'm right dumbass, I always am." Y/n said proudly. Tommy laughed before rolling his eyes.

"Don't get too cocky." Tommy laughed, Y/n chuckled and gently cupped her hands on Tommy's face. Tommy stopped laughing and gave a warm style.

"And about that night, I think I do like you." Y/n said, Tommy leaned in slightly.

"Oh do you now?" Tommy said slyly before Y/n chuckled.

"I'll be damned if I was wrong." Y/n said, her lips grazed his until it bloomed into a kiss. A sensation of happiness fluttered in the couple's stomach. Nothing could separate the two of them, Y/n had forgotten about her pain at this moment. And they both wished for it to never end.

But like most things it came to a stop. Tommy pulled away for a gasp of air. Y/n smiled, her face completely bright red. But this time instead of it out of embarrassment it was out of love. She wasn't sure if love was the right word, she was always confused. But who wasn't?

"Poggers?" Tommy said, Y/n laughed. She could feel his hot breath hit her face and his golden strands of hair tickle her forehead.

"Poggers." Y/n agreed, Tommy laughed and kissed her cheek. He sat back to where he was sitting as they both heard the door creak open.

The doctor from earlier walked in. She held a clipboard and pen.

"Why hello, glad to see people are already visiting! Well hi I'm your doctor from earlier but I've come to give your symptoms and your release date." The doctor said, Tommy eagerly was excited for when she would get out. So he tried to concentrate on what she was saying.

"Good news, we are sending you home today. Your mother is already setting that up for you so in a couple hours you'll finally be back home! But the bad news is your symptoms, you might feel drowsy, tired, your vision may get a bit blurry, ringing in your ears can start but hopefully not, nausea, and if it's really bad you may vomit. But hopefully it doesn't include that. You'll need to be checked on every now and then just to make sure you're ok. And you should make a speedy recovery after about 1 to 2 weeks!" The doctor concluded, Tommy was ecstatic but only showed it through a wide smile.

"Thank you!" Y/n said smiling as the doctor left the room. Tommy jumped up to hug Y/n.

"YOU'RE GOING HOME!!!" Tommy said hugging her, Y/n coughed and laughed, while she gasped for air.

"Are you trying to make me stay here for longer?" Y/n asked wheezing. Tommy let go and stepped back.

"Oh sorry." Tommy responded laughing, Y/n chuckled.

"I think I'm feeling tired." Y/n said, holding her head, she yawned as a wave of tiredness hit her.

"Alright I'll let you sleep, and I'll visit you when you wake up." Tommy said, Y/n shined a warm smile- which sent butterflies into Tommy's stomach.

"Thank you." Y/n said, Tommy returned the smile.

"You're welcome." He said giving Y/n a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Y/n sighed as the door closed behind him. She leaned back cupping her cheek where Tommy had kissed her.

Her head was spinning, in a good way. She closed her eyes, still thinking about the eccentric blond boy she had liked. She wasn't always confused and this moment was no exception, but she was certain now. That Tommy liked her, and she liked him.


Tommy walked out the room with a dumb smile on his face. His face was still bright red and his cheeks were hot and warm to the touch, could've fooled anyone to believe he had a fever of some sort.

"How was it?" Tommy's mother asked eagerly, Tommy smiled.

"Great! They said she'll be fine in a week or two. And she's going home later today." Tommy explained, Mrs. Simons laughed in glee.

"I'm so glad!!" She beamed.


The two of them walked into their car, and were driving home.

It was silent, but Tommy enjoyed the calmness. He took out his hearing aid and placed and placed in an ear bud. Although he couldn't entirely make out what they were saying he loved the vibrations and beats. His favorite artist was Khai Dreams, to which he loved the best to most of his songs.

"So Tommy." Mrs. Simons said, breaking the silence. Tommy didn't look up until she tapped his knee. He looked up and put on his hearing aid.

"Oh sorry mom, what happened?" Tommy conceredly asked. Tommy's mom cleared her throat.

"So about Y/n, you like her don't you?"

"Yeah I like boobs" -Philza Minecraft

Much love to editor: notreallythoughbro

Word count: 1028


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now