53: Secret Santa pt. 2

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AYOOOOOOOOO 100K AND DNF WILL APPEAR IN THIS BOOK BECAUSE CLOUT!!!! anyway angst and fluff is coming up so get ready, I'm not saying exactly which chapters thoooo.

Also drew mexican egirl named Reina, which means Queen in Spanish so goodbye.



"OH YEAH!!" Tommy yelped getting up, he quickly ran to Y/n and gave her a quick kiss before running out the door with clothes. Y/n rolled her eyes as he dashed through the door.




Tommy and Y/n ran out to were everyone was sitting. Around a pile of bags and presents.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Tubbo beamed. Tommy returned the enthusiasm.

"Merry Christmas guys." Wilbur said. They sat down in the circle were the presents were.

"Finally we have everyone here, time to exchange gift!!" Phil said, rubbing his hands together. Dream and Sapnap silently celebrated while George was half asleep.

"We'll go with the secret Santa first?" Freddie asked. Phil nodded.

"Alright we'll go in a circle. Y/n you go first." Phil said, Y/n
remembered what she got and happily nodded.

"Here George." She said, George sluggishly opened the bag. To see a rubic cube.

(F/E/N: I CALLED IT! Wait did I make a bet? If I did then pay up whoever betted against me)

"That's not funny." George said. Y/n held in a laugh. Everyone was dying from laughter.

"That's messed up." Dream wheezed, Y/n couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

"Alright fuck me man, Tommy it's your turn." Y/n said, trying to compare herself. Tommy cleared his throat and grabbed his bag.

"This is for Ranboo. I still don't like you." Tommy said handing him the bag.

Ranboo happily opened it to see a half white and half back t shirt, as well as a couple of rings that were similar to the ones he wore regularly.

"Oh wow this is actually nice." Ranboo said admiring everything, To my rolled his eyes and embarrassingly looked at Y/n.

"No problem I guess." Tommy mumbled. Y/n chuckled,

"Alrighty my turn!!" Tubbo yelled. He picked up his back.

"I got Jack!!" Tubbo said, handing him the back. Jack quickly rummaged through the paper. He picked up a blue striped hoodie.

"WHOO LIKE MY MINECRAFT SKIN!!" He yelled happily, showing it to Niki.

"Thank you, I appreciate it Tubbo." Jack said, amused at the awesome hoodie.

"No problem big man." He said, everyone looked at Ranboo.

"Oh heyo, I got Ariadne." Ranboo said, picking up his present. He handed it to her. She happily smiled and thanked him before opening it up.

"Freddie told me you really like pink so I got you some hair pins and bracelets. I made this one!" Ranboo happily said, pointing to a beaded bracelet with her name on it. She happily marveled at them.

"THANK YOU!!" She gasped. Ranboo happily obliged. Freddie happily fangirled over the hair pins and bracelets with her.

"It's myyyyy turn." Wilbur said smugly. He picked up his bag.

Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now