61: Jealous

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I drew Tubbo!! I haven't drawn him in a long time so this was refreshing. Also maybe more dnf? Idk I kinda only did it for clout but whatever.

Anyway enjoy!!


Once everyone woke up Phil decided to just go to the mall that day, maybe to get some parting gifts, souvenirs, and more.

Y/n was excited to finally go out with Tommy in a not so fancy location. And the food court was the only reason why she was so excited in the first place.

(F/E/N: 💀 I would be the least excited)

Tommy and Y/n walked around. Tommy made sure not to hold Y/n hand, at least not in plain site so they wouldn't get caught.

Tommy noticed a guy around his age slowly running his eyes up and down Y/n's figure. Tommy felt like shit, he didn't know what to do and grabbed Y/n by the hand and walked out of the isle.

"What the hell?" Y/n signed. Tommy looked behind him. The guy had left after seeing she was taken.

"Oh nothing just uh- just wanted to show you the necklaces!" Tommy said, pointing to the jewelry. Y/n raised and eyebrow and ignored what had just happened.


Tommy had her hand close to his chest wherever they went. Y/n was concerned why he was being so clingy. Tommy looked around at the guys his age all around him, he was scared one of them was checking out Y/n.

Once they got in a store Y/n turned to Tommy.

"Hey what your problem?" Y/n asked concerned. Tommy looked around nervously.

"Nothing.. I just saw some guys checking you out and I got protective." Tommy signed, admitted he was insecure about other guys taking Y/n.

"Oh come on, like I'd leave you. You're the only person I'd date, with the exception if I saw Niki Minaj across the street. Then you're fucked." Y/n signed. Tommy rolled his eyes and held back a laugh.


"Now let me buy stuff." Y/n said, looking up and down the isles.


But the same way was the other way around, Tommy wasn't the most attractive man unless he wanted too. But this morning Wilbur got him ready, so he easily looked like the hottest bitch on the block.

Girls would swoon over his height and fluffy blond hair. Once a girl was persistent and asked Tommy his name.

Y/n walked up to her.

"I suggest you leave him alone, he's deaf. And taken." She threatened before happily walking towards Tommy, leaving her opponent stunned. She would hold Tommy's hand and walk away with snickering behind her. And gossiping.


Freddie and Ariadne


Freddie was holding Ariadne's hand while they walked across the mall.

(A/n: this is narrator talking not Freddie)

Ariadne had very defined hips, she was short with bronze beautiful skin, sprinkled with dark brown freckles across her face. Her green eyes which were really one of a kind, glistened in the light. Her dark hair shimmered as she loosened it from a ponytail.

In other words, she was a very attractive young lady, which always dazzled Freddie how he scored such a wonderful girl with a great personality.

But it made him insecure at times. He wasn't very happy when he saw teens slightly checking her out. She wasn't perfect but she was perfect in every way at the same time. Which made even Ariadne insecure.

She hated her hips, she would always get stared at. Asked out, picked on for her hips and other things. She hated it when guys would check her out. Which Freddie knew very well.



He noticed a blond haired guy slightly staring at her. Freddie intertwined his fingers with hers and moved her attention away from the direction of the mans. He tried to distract her as best as possible, which Ariadne never knew he even did.


After a while of walking around, Y/n had a very successful day. She bought things for everyone to remember her by, and even bought a couple things for her and Tommy.

They all met up at the food court a couple of laughs and specifically food.

"Bro I'm starving." Sapnap said, leaning back in chair. Dream and George both agreed. Although something was off, after yesterday Dream and George had been very distant since the morning. Almost like awkward conversation this entire day.

But everyone just figured George was tired or whatever else. They just ignored it.

"I'm hungry too!" Tubbo whined. Jack was asleep on the table with his head down. He was still extremely hung over.


Wilbur was awake and didn't look as tired as everyone else. Even though he was the drunkest out of all of them.

"Come on you shit, time to get food." Phil said. Y/n tapped on Tommy's shoulder. He looked up while Y/n signed what was happening.

After a while of fighting they decided on food. They all sat around hungrily chowing down on their food.

They all laughed and had fun. Tommy was able to push himself to make out what was happening, but time to time he needed help. But both Y/n and Wilbur knew sign language so they happily helped.


(A/n: they are like brothers)

Once they got back to the house Tommy slouched on the couch on his phone, silently scrolling through Twitter.

Wilbur went up to him and friendly tapped on his shoulder, Tommy looked back confused.

"We got you a little gift." Wilbur said. Y/n looked up from cuddling with Tommy confused. Everyone was huddled around the couch.


Banana phone, also there's a random dog outside our house. I named them daisy and pet them. Don't know who's dog that is but didn't bite me so I give if the title of good girl.

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word Count: 1045


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora