Our Luck

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She sighed softly and looked up into his beautiful blue Eyes "Do you really want it?" Sebastian was confused and looked at her "What do I want?" Y/N chuckled softly and looked at him "Do you want us? Do you think you are ready for this again?"

Sebastian smiled and kissed her Head "I couldnt be more ready, I love you and we should stay forever!" She needed to smile and pulled him down to her, her Lips met his and they both got lost in a passionate Kiss. After a while Y/N slowly pulled away "Than lets be together, lets try it again"

Sebastian got even happier in that Moment, he looked down at her and smiled "I love you more than you could imagine" Y/N chuckled and looked at him "I will always love you" with that the two of them went Home.

Sebastian couldnt be happier, he was together with the person he loved the most, He finally was the man who could hold her when she couldnt sleep, he finally was the one who could kiss her and protect her. He was the Man she would live her entire Life with, he was the happiest man alive, because of her. The Love of his Life.

Y/N still couldnt believe it, she was with him again, she could kiss him when she wanted too and she could love him when she wanted too. She was the one who could make him happy now and she was the one who had a piece of her Heart back

Always your Knight (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now