Just you and me

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I ran as fast as I could to the Hospital, I sighed and ran to the reception "Sorry?" I asked softly looking at the Woman behind the Desk. She looked up and smiled "Yes how can I help you Ma'am?" She asked.

She looked nice and had a sweet and a bit higher voice than mine, but she seemed to be nice "I am searching for Sebastian Stan, he should be here, they said" The Woman looked through her Computer and needed a while. I was getting nervouse and sighed softly, I needed to know what had happened.

After a while she smiled up at me and nodded "He is in Room 102, you can see him now" I nodded and sighed in relief "Thank you Miss", She nodded and smiled at me.

I just walked up the Stairs and smiled, until I stood in front of the Door, I was scared of what I would see behind the Door. I took a deep breath in and opened the Door.

When I walked in, I was shocked, there he laid unconcious and breathing softly. I sat down next to his Bed and shyly took his Hand, I had Tears in my Eyes "I am so sorry, Sebby" I held his Hand to my Mouth and gave it a soft Kiss.

I smiled a bit, when I felt that he was relaxing under the little Kiss I gave his Hand, I wasnt sure what had happened, but I saw many Scars and Bruises all over his Face, I kissed his Forehead. When the Doctor came in.

"You need to be Miss Y/L/N?" He asked softly. I nodded "Yes I am". He smiled softly and looked at me "I have good and bad News for you what do you wanna hear first?" He asked softly. I looked at him "The Good one please". The Doctor nodded "Well he had bad injuries, but he will heal, the bad News is that he propably lost his Memories". I looked at him in shock

"So he wont remember me?" I asked, I was close to Tears but held them back. The Doctor nodded "I am sorry, but maybe you get him to love you again". I looked at him "Ohh we are not...together, we are Friends". The Doctor chuckled "Thats not how it sounded like when he was unconcious and talked"

I blushed badly and looked at him, then at Sebastian. Could it really be possible that he had fallen in love with you? No it couldn't!
I sighed "I am sorry" the Doctor said and walked out again to leave us alone a bit. "I wont leave you.." I whispered and kissed his Cheek

Always your Knight (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt