Together? Together!

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I looked away and tried to avoid Eye Contact at all cost. He looked down at me and sat down next to me "You know that you can talk to me". I sighed softly and looked at him "Well its just that I have some Trouble in my Relationship right now, its nothing serious" I heard his Sigh and I knew he did it on purpose so that I would hear it.

Normal POV:

Y/N just laid in the Grass trying to get her thoughts together when Sebastian laid down next to her, he looked at her "We are Friends right?" He said to break the Silence. Lina smiled and looked at him "The Best of Friends". This put a big smile on Sebastians Face "Well then tell me the truth". She softly sighed.

"Liam and I are in a relationship of 2 years.." she paused a bit and looked in the Sky "You know at first he was really cute, a bit jealouse, but he protected me, he tried to make me feel comfortable. But after a year he started to change he got over protective and badly jealouse, so everytime i talked to a friend even if it was a Girl, he dragged me away and 'punished' me. That meant he started to hit me or to just tie me on the Bed and fuck me as if I was his Doll" she had Tears in her Eyes when she closed them.

She suddenly felt two strong Arms wrap around her, she opened her Eyes and looked up at Sebastian, who had pulled her close, into some gentle cuddles "He doesnt deserve you, me as your Best friend tells you to end things, I mean you are a person with Feelings and not just a Doll.."

Y/N needed to smile a bit, she laid her Head on his Shoulder and sighed softly "I am scared, he will propably throw me out and what do I do then?" She looked up at him. He smiled down at her "You can stay at mine for a bit, I have a free Room, you can take and if it makes you feel more save, I can go with you".

Y/N got more Tears in her Eyes "Why are you doing this for me?". Sebastian smiled and gently played with her Hair "Because in my opinion you deserve love and protection from him, you are so kind and lovely, I just cant understand why someone would treat you like that"

She smiled a bit and sat up "So we do it together?". He nodded and looked at her "Together!" She stood up and gave him her Hand "Cmon than lets do this" she somehow got really confident when he was around. Sebastian smiled and took her Hand when he stood up.

Both walked together to Y/Ns House, she stood close to Sebastian when she walked in, she saw that Liam wasnt there so she just started packing her things with Sebastian. Suddenly she heard the Door and someone yell "Where are you little wh*re!"

She looked scared at Sebastian when he gave her a soft smile and nodded. He kept packing her Things while she walked down, she looked at Liam "We need to talk". He immediatly got mad "Yes we do where is my Food!". She took a deep breath in "I break up with you" she took a few steps back when he came closer and raised his Hand to hit her. She closed her Eyes immediatly when she saw that his Hand was close to her Face, when he suddenly let out a loud groan..

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