Just Friends..?

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Normal POV:

She immediatly felt that something was wrong. Sebastian slowly opened his Eyes again and looked at her, he smiled softly and took her Hands in his "Sorry I just needed to think about a solution how I can respect your rules" he winked at her.

She started chuckling thinking he would joke around. He loved her chuckle but in that Moment it broke him, it made him think that she would laugh about his Feelings. He held back some Tears and smiled. "That was the best joke I heard". He let out a soft sigh "Yeah I know right?" He asked with a lower Voice filled with Pain and Fear.

Y/N was confused and looked at him "Were you hurt when I laughed?" She asked after a while not really knowing what she should do in that Situation. Sebastian looked at her and smiled "Me? hurt? You need more to hurt me than just laugh" he started fake laughing, but she didnt recognized it as a fake laugh so she laughed with him "Sorry, Pumpkin"

Sebastian stopped laughing and smiled, he loved the Nickname, but he knew that she didnt like him the way he did like her, so he just tried zo not get her too close anymore, he knew it wouldnt get easy, but he still tried it.

A few Days later:

Sebastian laid in his Bed, his Eyes wide open when he stared at the Ceiling, today was the Day, he somehow felt uncomfortable with the situation he was in, next to him cuddled up in her Blanket laid Y/N.

He couldnt stop thinking about her, they both got real close after the past few Days. He hoped she would feel the same way he did. He looked over at her, the Woman which was cuddled up in Blankets and one of his Shirts.

He sighed, he wanted to get away from his Feelings, but she didnt make it easy "Lets sleep in one Bed so we get more comfy with each other, so it looks real" she said a few Days ago, these Words flew through his Mind all the Time. He didnt even noticed how he started playing with her Hair. It relaxed him and her, but it felt wrong, it felt even more than just wrong.

He couldnt stand it anymore, he sat up and sighed slowly rubbing his Eyes, when he looked around the dark Room just a bit of sunlight came through the Windows, which meant that it was Morning already.

He wanted to keep his Mind off of her so he slowly walked to he Bathroom, he put on the Shower and stepped in, the warm water which ran over his Body made him relax a bit, he closed his Eyes and started thinking, trying to push her out of his Mind. He couldnt do that, she was hurt and in love with the Man who hurted her. It felt like a Teen movie for him. The Good Guy is the Best Friend and the Bad Guy gets the Girl...

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