Home is where you are

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Sebastian slowly sat up and stood silent "Can we go?" was everything he asked for. She nodded slowly "Of course we can" She slowly stood up and gave him her Hand to help him up. Butterflies were going crazy in her Stomache when he took her Hand to get up.

Sebastian smiled and held himself a bit on her so he wouldnt loose hsi Balance. She smiled aswell and looked at him "Are you okei with this or am I too small?" Sebastian chuckled "No you are perfect sized, promise my Dear." Her Cheeks started to get hot and a light blush appeared on them.

He had seen it and chuckled. In his Mind was something else than she had told him. "No she was in love with you. Not you with her" he said himself more often. He didnt saw it but his Heart wanted her. His Head knew that she was a Dangerouse Game, so it told him to keep quiet and let her go.

She slowly walked down with him and smiled a bit, she had helped him to sit down while she signed some Papers as approval that she took him Home with her. She had a smile on her Face when she walked over to him "Lets go home, Peanut"

Sebastian smiled and blushed at the Nickname. He took her Hand and walked out with her, outside she slowly helped him to walk home with her, she hadnt had a Car so she walked there "I am sorry that we need to walk". He smiled and looked down at her "Its fine with me, its more time that I can spend with you, talking about my Past"

She smiled "We both used to sleep in one Bed and cuddle" she said with a little smirk. He gasped "Ohh no I really cuddled you?!" He said in a sarcastic Tone. She pouted "Hey it wasnt that bad, I like them" He chuckled and looked at her. She smiled "We also kissed one time". He looked at her with wide Eyes "We did what!?!"

She sighed "We kissed.." she mumbled and looked away. Sebastian got a little smile on his Face "Was it a good Kiss? I dont remember it, but if you want too we can also repeat the Kiss" he said flirty and looked at her.

She chuckled "You are unbelievable, Sweetheart" she looked up at him, she did like the Kiss they had shared yesterday, but she couldnt do it to herself or him. Sebastian smiled "I know, but thats a reason why you like me!" He looked at her. She raised a Brow "Who said that I would like you?". He smirked "You kissed me". She rolled her Eyes playfully "That was an accident"

He now made Puppy Eyes and looked at her "Was it?" He said a bit of sadness was in his Voice. "You kissed me, so it wasnt my Fault". His Smirk came back "But you kissed me back right?" She sighed and nodded "Yeah fine I kissed back.." she lifted her Hands in defeat. Sebastian smiled, he didnt need to go to a House, his Home already walked next to him, his Save Place, his World...

Always your Knight (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt