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Note: 18+🔞 adult contents❌not suitable for readers under the age of 18


I held my knife behind my back, staring up at Mr Adam as he taught me some problems in mathematics.

" Where do you have troubles with algebra?" Mr Adam asked.

I was seated opposite him, watching as he fixed the back of his pen to his under lips, studying a problem in my textbook.

" I'm good with algebra," I answered, holding on tightly to my knife, certain to conceal it perfectly from his view.

He gave me a blank look. Then tore out a sheet of paper and wrote some maths problems for me. He gave me the paper and waited.

" Solve these."

One look at the ten maths questions he'd given me and I raised an eyebrow.

I've learnt all these stuff from QA. At QA, we mix questions from different classes. These stuff was a piece of cake.

In under five minutes, I was done and dusted.

I returned the paper back to Mr Adam and waited. 

Surprised, he took the sheet of papers and glanced through it.

His eyes met mine. " Where did you learn these?"

I nearly jeered at him. " Queens Academy."

He leaned back on his seat and watched me closely. " Queens Academy?"

" It's an all girl's school," I explained.

He had that probing look in his eyes but he was indifferent. " Is that right?"

I nodded. " We mix subjects."

He regarded me for a while. " That's nice. So why are you homeschooling? You could've returned back to school. From what I'm gathering the school must be an incredible place for learning."

I shrugged. " Mom just wanted me to be home schooled, I guess."

He made no expression but the looks in his eyes told me I wasn't fooling him a bit.

" Alright, solve this."

He gave me more questions to solve, I solved them all without trouble.

He was surprised at how far I had gone and yet he was impressed. I was beginning to loosen up to this man.

But that didn't mean I didn't keep my guard. The knife behind my back was still there.

The day's lesson moved smoothly until it was time we took a break.

Mr Adams remained at the dining table, sending a text message to someone. While he did that, I excused myself to my room and locked myself there.

Too many thoughts ran through my mind.

Why hasn't he stared anything yet? He's texting someone. Does that means he's also calling more men into the house?

Whatever it was he was doing, I was prepared to abort his plans.

Picking up my phone, I placed a call across to Damian.

Luckily Damian hadn't resumed school yet. I had waved at him earlier this morning while he watered the garden.

Placing the receiver to my ear, I waited for Damian to pick my call.

" Hey, what's up?" Damian's voice broke into my ear.

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