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🧑🏻🧑🏻 EPISODE SIX🧑🏻🧑🏻

I woke up at midnight when I heard a strange sound.

Turning over, I looked around to see Collette face flat on her desk, sobbing silently.

The sleep in my eyes vanished like magic.

Why was she crying? What could possibly be wrong with her?

On the table was the chess board and some chess pieces, standing erect like a miniature battlefield. One look at her and I could tell she had been studying and playing chess as well.

This was really wearing her out. No wonder she looked Soo pale and tired. But……

But then again, why the tears?

Suddenly I saw it.

It was a little can wrapped around her palm. I tried to look it over but it was held too tightly in her palms. Whatever that can was, I had a feeling it’s somehow relative to why she was crying at twelve in the midnight.

Still, I can’t help but imagine how pretty she looked. She looked really cute even in tears.

I returned my head back to my pillow and slept off but this time around, my mind was opened. I was determined not to mess up today as well like I did Monday morning. One lesson is enough, I ain’t making the same mistake again.

Hours went by and it wasn’t long before Collette woke me up but this time around, she woke me at exactly

My eyes were red from sleep. Like seriously, I really hate it when someone disturbs me from my sweet sweet sleep but I knew if I don’t get up early, I wouldn’t make it for the assembly.

She stood over me, taping me up gently. ” It’s time for general morning devotion. Go join the other girls outside the hostel.”

I yawned loudly, covering my mouth with my hand. I checked the time on my bedside table and groaned. ” Isn’t too early?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, she left the room, leaving me all alone. This girl can snub for Africa, eh!

But I wasn’t going to repeat the same mistake I made on my first day at school. I grabbed my blanket, wrapping it over my body like some Egyptian mummy and sluggishly left the room.

I wasn’t the only one who was thoughtful enough to grab a blanket. It was freezing cold outside the big hostel.

Every girl, big and small, juniors and seniors lined up neatly in rows and columns as we began morning devotion.

To my surprise, I couldn’t find Collette or the other members of the Council. Wherever they were was ofcourse none of my business but I just couldn’t help but wonder why they were exempted from worshipping God and prasing him for such a wonderful morning we’d all woken up into.

Finally, morning devotion was over and the girl leading prayers stepped aside.

Suddenly the council arrived, looking neat, smart and huge in their school uniform.

It was then I understood why they were absent during general morning devotion. They were taking their bath coolval stories so they could dress up before the girls.

How smart.

Collette stood afar back with her clipboard as Temi mounted the podium.

” Good morning, girls,” she said in a stiff strong voice.

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