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Note: 18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


I was surprised Efua didn’t come to look for me. The least I expected of her was to summon the student’s council and make a search for me.

But she didn’t do that.

When I returned back to my room at exactly, I met her awake, studying her book as if nothing had happened between us six hours ago.

She saw me come in but she didn’t say anything. As usual, she was naked with nothing but her bar of chocolate and her battery Torchlight.

I folded the futon bed and returned it to my wardrobe.

Taking the broom, I swept the room, arranged the bed and washed the bathroom.

Efua remained where she sat, reading as if she were the only one in the room. She didn’t acknowledge my presence which was weird cause I made a lot of sound while I cleaned up.

She was still seated when the bell banged for general devotion. The entire hostel suddenly lit up with electricity.

I ran her bath and left the room, hoping she’d prepare and leave the room alone for me.

During morning devotion, she was absent. The council were all present, already dressed and ready for the day but Efua was nowhere to be seen.

When I returned back to the room, I met her. She was still seated in her seat, studying without her clothes on.

I felt heartbroken. Did I hurt her that much? I remembered last night….I remembered what I did.

” YOU JERK!” I remembered gritting my teeth, raising my hand in the air.


I remembered my slap landing hard and loud on her cheeks, echoing round the room. I remembered it sounded like a dried stick got snap.

I remembered Efua falling off my body from the impact of that slap.

She held her cheeks, glancing up at me with hurtful eyes.

I remembered glaring at her. ” You donkey. How dare you? Don’t you care about Someone’s feelings?”

Was I drunk when I did that? I couldn’t tell. While I took my bath, I tried asking myself some questions. Why did I hit her? Where did that audacity and nerve come from? Why didn’t she react? Why was she Soo silent about what happened?

When I came out of the bathroom, she was still seated on the chair, reading without clothes.

I immediately prepared for school and left the room. I don’t know why, but staying in the same room with this girl was scary. I began having a second thought of spending the night with Sharon again.

During breakfast, Efua was still absent. Everyone noticed this but no one questioned the council.

” So much for skipping meals,” Sharon humphed.

But I knew why she didn’t show up. It’s because of last night.

At class, I couldn’t concentrate. I kept thinking about Efua. I hoped she was okay. I knew she was going through a lot. The loss of her folks and also the way I turned her down.

Trust me, no one can ever recover from that position she was placed in. Definitely not me neither.

It got worse when she was absent for lunch as well. This time, I got really worried. I remembered Collette and how she nearly commited suicide.

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