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Note:  18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


" Come on Lucy," Sharon was pleading, tapping noisily on the table. " Eat something, don't go starving yourself cause of some test."

I didn't answer her. My head was on the table while I sniffed, abandoning my meal before me.

" What's happening here?" Efua's voice sounded nearby. " Why isn't she eating her meal?"

I refused to look up at her. Sharon spoke for me. " She's having a running tummy, senior."

Efua was sorry and I could feel her cold hand touching my neck as she bent over to talk to my ears.

" Are you, alright, Lucy?"

I didn't answer.

She drew my meals closer. " I'm really sorry about your tummy. Come on, have a bite, I'll take you to the school's clinic after lunch."

" I'll be fine," I said sharply.

She didn't seemed to get the message that I wanted to be alone.

She urged me on. " Don't be soo stupid, here have a bite. Come on, open up."

" I said I'll be fine," I raised my voice, shifting away from her.

Now that was some drama. Everyone turned around to watch what just happened but Efua was already on her feet and was walking away, a puzzled look on her face.

Sharon would've asked me the questions bothering her about my involvement with Efua but she was smart enough to know now wasn't the time. I was in a really sour mood.

Finally, lunch was over. I was more surprised I didn't touch my meal.

I just wasn't hungry.

I still can't believe I FAILED ❌❌❌

I knew this would happen. I just knew it.

The moment I saw my name on the scoreboard, I lost all atoms of hope. It was some quarters left to lunch when an announcement came over the speakers near the scoreboard.

" Will Lucy Williams come down to the principal's office?"

That was the first time I've ever been summoned to the principal's office.

It was nearly time for lunch but I decided I was going to see Mrs Cooker's office first before anything else.

" I'll accompany you," Sharon had insisted, escorting me to the office.

When I arrived at Mrs Cooker's office, I became immediately scared.

Mrs Cooker looked huge, sitting behind her desk, her eyes going through some papers before her. The moment she saw me at the doorway, she waved to the available seat.

" Don't bother greeting me, Lucy," she spoke in a harsh loud voice that shooked me. " Have a seat. I want to talk to you."

I obeyed her and when I sat, I realized my legs were shaking.

She studied me from head to toe. " You do know why I called you in here, don't you?"

I was about answering her when she cut me sharply with a loud blood curdling voice.

" You failed your C.A test. Scoring below average at a miserable 2.9 points. Truth be told, I was surprised when the results were displayed to me and your name appeared as the only student who was stupid enough to fail an ordinary C.A test. That was the poorest result I've ever seen since the very beginning I built this school. You're a big for nothing disappointment to yourself and your parents."

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