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Note: 18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


” Heads up,” Sharon called out to me, serving the ball towards my direction.

I saw it coming, leaped in the air and with both my hands turned into fists, I hit it back over the net.

It was a Saturday afternoon and every Saturdays and Sundays were games or sports.

QA made sure they provide the student with the best sports equipment ever. There’s the school gym, fully equipped and working. There’s also the basketball court, the volleyball court, the chess and Scrabble club, the track racers.

And ofcourse there was also football but not many of the girls were crazy about football.

Today I joined the volleyball club. It’s part of the school rules to join at least two sports club. Sharon and Mia were in volleyball club so it was kinda easier for me to just join them being they were the only friend’s I’ve got.

” What’s up with you, Lucy?” Sharon asked, hitting the ball over to my side again. ” You’ve been pale and Moody throughout today, I noticed.”

I frowned, missing the ball as it landed past me to the ground. It was just Sharon and I doing some warmup before the other girls arrived for practice. ” You wouldn’t be happy if senior Efua was your roommate, would you?”

She gasped, surprised to her skin. ” Hold the phone, Efua’s your new roomate?!”

I sighed sadly. ” My dear, that’s what I just said.”

She gaped at me, shaking her head pitifully. ” That’s sad, girl. How did you sleep last night? Did she s--k your blood or anything? Did she beat you to a plump? Did she give you hell?”

I grabbed the ball but I didn’t Serve it back to her. ” Actually, something far worse happened.”

As quickly as she could, Sharon wandered over to my side and held my shoulder. ” Don’t tell me she hurt you, did she?”

I glanced up at her. ” Sharon, do you have any idea why Collette decided to commit suicide?”

She shooked her head. ” Girl, I wish I knew. That information was strictly kept from us by the students Council. Trust me, if there’s anyone with the most juiciest gossip in this school, it’d be me. This is a serious case, Lucy. I’m sorry, I don’t know why she did that. I never knew Collette was an asthmatic until yesterday.”

” I see,” I said, disappointedly. I was hoping to get more out of her but it turns out she knew nothing.

” You missed her, don’t you?” Sharon asked and I saw her smiling.

I slapped her hand away. ” Miss who? I’m just worried about her. It’s no fun suffering from a terrifying condition like asthma.”

She studied me closely and I could see her eyes probing mine. ” Lucy? Did something happened between you and Efua last night?”

I was startled. ” What makes you say that?”

” I’m worried about you, Lucy,” she said a little impatient. ” When I saw you this morning with that whitewashed face of yours, I knew instantly something happened last night. Come on, out with it. You know you can tell me anything. That’s what best friends are for, Right?”

I knew I could trust her. She’s the only one I can tell all my problems. So I closed my eyes. ” About that, would you listen to this?”


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