Chapter 10 • Fᴏᴿɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ Nᴀɴᴏɴ •

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Thank you so much, we are so close to 4k read <3. This is so much. I feel like my story grew up when I was away. But don't worry, I am here now, ready to give you all the chapters that I was too busy to write :)

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The sky was blue as the sea of a paradisiac island. No matter how I watched it, the rare cloud passing by looked like the french dessert that my dad cooked us, last week. I can't remember the name clearly but I haven't found it good anyway, unlike the stunning view who faced me. The only thing that kept my mind from getting lost in the sky was the little breeze that lifted my hair and brought the smell of grass back to my nostrils. It was hot for the month of February, but that did not prevent me from feeling a slight heat escape from the hand close to mine.

"It's beautiful, right?"

I turn my head to face Ohm, feeling the grass tickle my ear. This gaze was already in mine even before my eyes searched for him. Like your hand, our face was close enough for me to feel his breath so I titled to the sky again and answered. "Yeah it's"

Ohm laughed at my reaction. "You will need to get used to seeing my face that close. We start filming in less than two months."

"I am not awkward to be close to you, Ohm. After all, we always were." I answer honestly. "It's more the situation which makes me shy."

"Be my BL partner?"

I take a short inhalation. "Yeah."

"You shouldn't mind. It's a job like other." He smiled before straightening up to sit down, looking down to find my glaze while I was still on the ground. "Maybe today you're my BL partner. But you aren't the first one... Certainly not the last one too."

His answer made me surprisingly laugh. I mean, a lot, for something not particularly funny. "You're so indifferent, it looks like you can do anything while it is related to work. Nothing can stop you." Ohm has always been like that. I was not even astonished.

"Yeah it's just a job, right?" He answered.

"Yeah. I know."

Ohm doesn't add more. He knows how nervous this job especially made me. But deep inside I know that with him there is nothing to be afraid about. He's my close friend and the most considerate human I know on this earth. P'Aof and he will take good care of me, not push me too much and help me to go through the filming. So I should stop worrying about nothing like he just says.

While I was stuck in thought, Ohm used this time to move his sitting body to face me while I was still layed. Putting his face at the top of mine, but not as close that you imagine. I can't understand how he could twist his body to realize this. "Can I ask you?" He tried randomly.

"Hmm?" I answered, a bit surprised by his sudden interest.

At my incomprehension, Ohm sighed softly like concerned and put his hand on the side of my belly. "How the thing with Chimon going these days?"

Sure, he wanted to know about Chimon.
I did my best with Chimon since the event at the GMMTV new decade. I deserve an Oscar. Fake smile, fake teasing, fake closeness, I do all to make our friendship exist in front of the camera. But from behind, there is none.
The Chimon, "the friend of mine", just doesn't exist anymore.
But what do you want? Life continues, right?  That was what I wanted to think deep inside. But just can't right now. It will slowly become less sad, right?
It will become easier with time.

• 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝖽 • Nanon Chimon - Ohm | FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now