Kuroo: I want it back btw

Yana: Kenma said I could have it. It's my hoodie now.

Yana laughed quietly to herself. Her new friends were great. But nobody could ever replace Kenma and Kuroo. With them she didn't have to act all cool and pleasant. With them she was able to be openly spoiled and a complete dork. It was refreshing.

Yana: Oh! Look at the uniform! [Insert selfie] Aren't I super cute? [Insert uniform photo]

Kuroo: what a gremlin.

Kenma: red and black suit you better

Kuroo: Teal and white are gross

Yana: OOF, I'll take that as Neko-nyan-nyan bias.

Kenma: Why do you insist on calling Nekoma that?

Kuroo: Because she can't spell

Yana: Bitch wht?

Yana: What*

Kuroo: Point proven

Yana: M E A N

Yana shook her head with a smile as she pocketed her phone. She could hear the squeaking of volleyball shoes on the gym floor, the sound of the ball being hit back and forth. Sounds that she hated. Yana looked back down at the game.

"One touch!" The player wearing #2 called out. The players scrambled around the court to try keep the ball in the air. She scanned the numbers looking for Hajime. All it took was a solid spike for her to notice him. He was #4 the Ace. Impressive. Yana may not be close to the court, but she could see how much every player enjoyed the game, how much every player wanted to win.

Eventually her eyes roamed to #1 the Captain and Setter of the team. Oikawa Tooru. She had only heard negative things about the guy from her cousin, but from Rini she went on a fangirl spiel about him. But despite what his real personality may be, she couldn't deny that he was an amazing Setter. Every ball he tossed seemed to be just right for each spiker. If Yana was a Spiker, she would love to get a toss from him. She watched in awe as every toss he made catered to the needs of each player. She knew the setter in her old team was good, but compared to Oikawa... her ex-team Setter paled in comparison.

It was no surprise that the next player she examined was #7 the Libero of the team. As a fellow Libero herself, she was curious. It only took a few minutes of watching before she cringed. #7 failed to pick up serve after serve and cover after cover. He wasn't good. He was not awful. He just wasn't good. Yes, some of the serves from his teammates were nasty but surely, on a team as strong as this one -from what she could tell from the ongoing game- they wouldn't just put in a random Libero and hope for the best. Possible explanations flooded her head. She watched #7 jump from the back line into a damn good midair set. "Ah." Maybe...

Yana weighed the pros and cons. She just wanted to talk to the Libero. Just a talk. It was painful watching him struggle. She was only going to talk to #7, nothing else. As soon as the team called for a ten-minute break, she quickly scampered down the stairs and stealthily wriggled past the fangirls. "Hajime!" She whisper shouted as she flagged her cousin over. She didn't want to be too noticeable; she knew what fangirls could and would do. "That Libero of yours, is he new? Or maybe he played a different role prior?"

Hajime looked a little stunned at Yana's question. "His name is Watari Shinji, he was originally a Setter, but he was changed to Libero. Why'd you ask?"

"Can you call him over? I'm just curious and wanna talk ya know?"

Hajime looked at her strangely but reluctantly called him over. "Watari!"

#7 turned to Hajime and jogged over without hesitation. "Yeah? What is it?"

Yana smiled gently. "Hi there! My name is Iwaizumi Yana. Just call me Yana so it doesn't get too confusing. You and I need to have a chat." She turned to shoo Hajime away before she focused back on Watari." Yana struggled with what to say next. The only way she knew how to coach people on volleyball advice came from her ex-coach. The demon one. Yana didn't know how to appropriately say what she needed to say without sounding like a presumptuous twat.

"It's ok." Watari rubbed the back of his shaven head leaving no change to his buzz cut. He seemed to understand her predicament. "Say it how you see it. I won't be offended or anything."

Yana nodded; she was very grateful for his reassurance. "So basically, to put it bluntly. Your sets are great, your receives on the other hand are a little shaky. I won't tell you how to fix everything, but I can give you a few pointers. The most important being that you need to center yourself a little lower. If you are too low you won't be able to move fast enough, but if you are too high you won't be able to keep steady. You also want to be a little more flexible. When you are receiving the ball, you look a bit stiff. You are a righty, correct?"

Watari nodded as he listened intently to the advice given to him.

"When you receive, shift your body weight from your left back foot to your front right foot as soon as you contact the ball. That way you will be less prone to losing control and falling back. From what I've watched, some of your teammates have some scary serves."

Watari didn't know what to make of the girl before him. She was giving him sound advice and it sounded like she knew what she was doing but who was she? He had never seen her in his life nor had Iwaizumi spoken about someone named 'Yana'. He practiced shifting a little and lowered his stance. Without warning Yana gave Watari a firm push backwards. He wobbled a bit before regaining his balance.


Once more Watari bent down, this time a little lower than before, but not by much. Yana gave him another firm tap. This time he didn't budge. Such a little change could make a huge difference. He was itching to try it out in game. He was aware he wouldn't be good right away, but he could at the very least try to return more balls than usual. "How do you know all this and who are you? You have the same name as our vice-captain, but he never spoke of anyone named 'Yana' before."

Yana smirked. "None of that really matters." She paused for dramatic effect. "I only wanted to show you the easiest way to kill a rocking serve."

Watari groaned from the pun as the coach blew his whistle. "Fine, fine. I'll just ask Iwaizumi. Thank you for the advice." He gave her a quick wave then quickly ran back to the rest of his team. He was eager to practice now that he had a little more knowledge. How to kill a rocking serve. If she ever makes a book, I'll have to read it.

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