She wrote her name on the board then turned back around to face her classmates. "Good morning everyone. My name is Iwaizumi Yana, but please call me Yana." She gave her classmates her best 'camera' smile. Something she had practiced many times for post-game interviews. "I'm a transfer student from Tokyo and I'll be joining your class and for future reference, my favorite candy is Konpeito" She winked playfully. "I look forward to spending the year with you." She gave them a quick bow and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Nailed it. Yana made her way to her assigned seat.

"Wait! Iwaizumi? Like that Iwaizumi? Are you guys married!?" A male voice called out.

Yana and the other occupants in the room turned to face the owner of the voice. A boy with short, thick black hair sported a lopsided grin and curious grey eyes. There wasn't any trace of malice or mockery in his tone. He was simply curious.

Yana's 'camera smile' didn't falter. "The other Iwaizumi is actually my cousin. We are related."

The boy froze in what seemed to be shock. "You are cousins and you are married!?"

"No! We are just cousins! Nothing like that." Yana screamed internally as she tried to keep her voice level. So much for her good first impression. When the boy didn't reply she took her seat, which was unfortunately next to said boy.

"Aiko. Enough with your theories. Class is in session." The teacher sighed.

The sliding door slammed open revealing another student. "Sorry I'm late!" The tall boy had fluffy dark brown hair that swept outwards and an apologetic grin on his face. He was too far for Yana to see what color his eyes were, but she assumed it was probably the same color as his hair. Though she couldn't deny he was really attractive. "I got stopped by some of my fangirls, I couldn't exactly just leave them."

And down went those attractive points. Yana groaned quietly. Hot and flirtatious. Of course, he was.

"Just go to your seat" The teacher gestured for the boy to sit then began class.


By the time class was over Yana felt like she was ready to keel over and die. She knew that the curriculum from Tokyo and Miyagi would differ, but she didn't know it would differ to this extent. All the topics the class went over, she had learned the year prior back in her old high school.

"Hey Iwaizumi!" The voice next to her vyed for her attention. "My name is Aiko, nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Yana smiled pleasantly.

"Sorry about earlier. I was just really curious." Aiko chuckled nervously. "He scratched the back of his neck. "Is Tokyo really all it's made out to be?" He had always wanted to go but never really had the opportunity.

Yana answered without hesitation, "Yeah, it's pretty cool not going to lie."

Aiko gasped, his eyes sparkling. "Really?! That's awesome. I want to go to a college in the city so I can see it for myself."

"You should give it a shot. I'd say it's totally worth it." Yana's stomach growled. "Uh, anyway I'm ju-"

Aiko stood up abruptly and interrupted her. "You should each lunch together with us! Rini was saying she wanted to have a female friend." He chuckled awkwardly again. "Since I...I'm a dude I can't do that..." His sentence trailed off sadly.

Fuck. Yana conceded. "Alright. Sure. I'll meet your friend.


"Hihi! I'm Rini nice to meet you!" an overly enthusiastic girl practically bounced up and down as she introduced herself. She had a soft rounded jaw, a small nose and strawberry blonde hair that reached just below her shoulders in loose curls. Her innocent blue eyes glittered, not unlike a puppy.

"I'm Yana. Nice to meet you too. Aiko said you wanted another friend."

Rini immediately blushed. "W-what? H-he said what?" She covered her face embarrassed. It was very cute. "Sorry. I didn't know. You don't have to be here against your will or anything." Rini looked back up to Yana apologetically.

"No, no. It's alright. Since I just transferred here it works out perfectly. I don't really know anyone here apart from my cousin and I don't really want to keep intruding on his school life." Yana gently pried Rini's hands away from her face. "Don't worry about it, ok? We can be friends." Yana gave her a reassuring smile. "How about we exchange phone numbers too?"

Rini brightened. "Y-yes! I'd like that."

Yana took out her phone and handed it to Rini. The small blonde happily typed in her number then invited Yana to a group chat, the trio being the only members. "There we go!" Rini chirped as she handed Yana back her phone.

Aiko watched the exchange fondly. He liked Rini's smile the most. "Let's go get lunch and eat before break is over."

The trio talked as Aiko and Yana bought some food. Rini had made her own lunch so there was no need for her to get anything. They chose a table a little farther away from the center so they wouldn't be bombarded by people or any more questions. Somehow word had spread about 'the transfer from Tokyo'. "Wooooow~ you are soooooo popular." Rini giggled before she took a bite of her lunch. "Maybe a hotter topic than the volleyball captain being dumped." She teased.

Yana pursed her lips. That was one thing she always disliked about her old school. "Oh, gee lucky me." She paused for a moment. Yana wasn't going to get involved with any kind of volleyball related activities, but she was a little curious about the team. "Who is the captain?"

"His name is Oikawa Tooru! He is super cute!" Rini squealed. "Most of the girls here really like him. He is really sweet and charming." Rini sighed dreamily. "B-But I don't like him or anything! I just appreciate how cool he is."

Oikawa? That sounds like Trashykawa, but at the same time. They don't sound like the same person. Maybe I'll ask Hajime on the way home.

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