Jungkook smacked his lips, laughing, "You're fucking with my brain. Stop. And no, I always believed you were the best."

Taehyung hummed, "Great. Then we're on the same page."

The couple laughed, enjoying their time together. Dinners and the weekends were the only time they really got to spend with each other. Other than that, it was just them calling each other every two hours and checking in throughout the day while at work. But, they were excited. Because it was going to be December soon, and that's when they had most of their holidays.

In the past couple of years, both of their careers had really shot up for the better. All of Jungkook's songs were chart topping hits and Taehyung's amazing designs had given him the position of a fashion designer at the top luxury brand, Louis Vuitton! Though, he had tried really hard to get into Gucci.

Anyways. they had finally accomplished quite a bit financially in life. And they were happy. The only thing remaining now, was their wedding.

|11:15 p.m.|




"One sec." Taehyung massaged the moisturiser into his skin as he looked at himself in the mirror, getting ready for the night. Once he was done, he crawled onto the bed. Jungkook tapped his thigh twice, indicating he wanted the older on his lap. Taehyung obliged.

As he got comfortable in the younger's lap, he looked at him almost scrutinisingly and tilted his head. 

Jungkook chuckled, "What?"

"You don't just wanna cuddle, do you? What do you want to say?"

"You know me way too well, huh?"

Taehyung nodded his head, "I do. Now hurry up. What is it?"

"I was just wondering if you want to shift into a bigger house?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. "Emphasis on the 'house'. I mean, a house. Not an apartment."

Taehyung subconsciously pouted his lips in thought. Jungkook leaned in to gently kiss them. "What're you thinking?" He asked.

"I don't mind an actual house. Just, maybe not one now?"

"What do you mean?" The younger frowned urging Taehyung to explain further.

"Maybe when we get kids, Kook. But I don't wanna leave this house now. I have way too many memories with it and I'm attached. You know I'm homesick anyways."

Taehyung kept on speaking but it seemed like Jungkook had just caught on to one word. Taehyung frowned, "Kook, you listening?"


"Shit, did I say kids?"

Jungkook giggled, "You did. Did-did you mean it?"

Taehyung gulped, a little shy now, "Y-yeah I do. I've always wanted them. You?" The two had talked about having children before, but never so explicitly. Hence, the hesitancy and shyness in the conversation.

"If that makes you happy, it's what I want too."

"No Kook. You can't just say yes because of me. It's your decision too. Do you want kids?"

"Tae, I've never really had parents to look up to and say 'I want children when I grow up.'. So, I've never really thought about it. But, right now, thinking about raising children with you is the only thing I want. That, and getting married, of course."

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