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"I think it's important to remember where you've been as you map out where you're going. I think it's important to remind yourself that you are strong and competent and completely capable of anything in this world, especially when you have someone who loves you like my parents love each other.

My parents fell in love at first sight, that is something I believe to be true. They worked against all of the odds to find their way to each other, build a life and a family together, and become one of the most amazing teams the world has ever seen.

My entire life, my parents showed myself and my two other siblings the power of love each and every day. Every time my dad kissed my forehead and every time my mom braided my hair gently down my back, it felt like a warm embrace.

My parents never forgot where they had been while figuring out where they were going. They never forgot how they made each other feel. They never forgot how powerful their love was. Everyone who knows them knows how strong of a force they are together, and I am proud every single day to call Evelynn and Harry Styles my parents. They amaze me every single day and they always will.

Today, on their 25th wedding anniversary, I look out at them and see all that I aspire to be. A strong team who love one another with all that they have. They're best friends, they're adventurers, they're two halves of a whole heart. They know that they mean the world to their children, and to everyone who has been lucky to know them. Mom, Dad, thank you for fighting for each other all those years ago. The world knew you belonged together, and so did you.

Happy anniversary, I wish you both a hundred more years of happiness, love and joy together. Thank you for everything you have done. We all love you so, so much and wish you nothing but the best."

Eleah's speech to Harry and Evelynn on their 25th wedding anniversary.

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