a thousand times, yes

125 5 0

Above: a shot of Jack's bday party  set-up


Now that Evelynn and I were back together, I've never felt happier. The entire world knows it. A couple weeks ago everything blew up when I took her to the Brit awards, but I didn't care. Why would I? I had everything I ever wanted.

I've been in and out of the studio writing and recording new music and I couldn't believe how inspired I was, both by the pain I had felt being apart from her, and the joy I felt knowing we were back together now. 

And over the past few weeks, we've never been happier. I think she's been at my house almost every single night and that's not enough. I want her to be there all the time, but I know that asking her to move in might be a little rushed, but it's all I've been able to think about. I hate when she has to leave in the morning and can't come back later.

"Harry are you even listening anymore?" Maddie asked me and I shook my thoughts away, realizing we were supposed to be planning Jack's birthday party. Ev, Maddie and I were all out for lunch so we could throw around some ideas. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked. Evelynn rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink. "Come on Harry, stay focused. The only thing that Jack even cares about for his birthday is that you show up." Evelynn reminded me. "That's true." Maddie agreed.

"Okay guys, I get it. But I don't see what we can do that is going to really blow his mind, you know? We waited until the very last minute to plan this party." I pointed out. Maddie rolled her eyes. "We waited because you just got back from New York from a 3 day writing trip. Jack told us if we didn't include you in the planning he wouldn't even show up." Maddie glared at me.

I pursed my lips and looked down. "Oh, right." I said, trying not to smile. "So, come on people, let's pull our thoughts together here." Maddie said and I looked over at Evelynn who was thinking really hard. "What about a carnival themed birthday?" Evelynn brought up and I looked at her confused.

"Jack would kill all of us." I said, which Maddie and Evelynn visibly agreed with. "Look, let's not overthink this. We know Jack loves going out and getting hammered, right? Why not just rent out a bar for a night and Jack can have unlimited drinks. That seems like something he'd enjoy, doesn't it?" I asked them.

"That does sound like Jack's dream birthday. It sure beats last year when we spent his birthday at a wedding that we planned." Evelynn laughed. "Great, so it's settled. I'll book the bar and you guys take care of decorations and stuff, okay?" I asked. 

"Sounds good, and if it backfires we can say it was all your idea and he'll hopefully change his mind about hating the party." Maddie smiled sweetly at me. "He's not going to hate it, stop stressing Maddie." Evelynn reasoned with her. 

"I'm going to run to the washroom, don't kill each other while I'm gone." Evelynn teased us, causing Maddie and I to laugh. 

"So, what's got you so distracted?" Maddie asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "Do you want me to be honest?" I asked her and she shrugged. "That depends on what the details are." She said, causing me to laugh. "I'm just thinking about asking Evelynn to move in, but I feel like it's too soon." I explained and Maddie nodded her head.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I disagree. I don't think it's too soon. You guys have been in love with each other for almost two years, Harry. Just because you just got back together doesn't mean it's too soon. If you really want to ask her, you should." Maddie advised me.

"Are you saying that just because you like living in the flat alone?" I asked and she laughed. "No, I'm being serious. Getting the place to myself would just be a nice perk. She's always over at your house anyway, so how would it be any different?" Maddie asked, which was a point I couldn't refute. 

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