one of those wildcard breakups

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above: the kitchen in Sam and Ev's home


"Well, has she said anything about it to you yet?" I asked Jack nervously, scared about the possibility of Evelynn regretting what we did the other night.

When I woke up that morning, I heard her fighting with Sam downstairs. It was a pretty heated argument and ended in Sam leaving the house. A few moments later, I heard the door slam and Evelynn also left.

I took that as my cue and got out of there too. But since that night, I hadn't heard from Evelynn at all.

"No, man. I'm telling you, she's acting like it never happened." Jack, of course, knew all of the details and was keeping me filled in on all things Evelynn.

After we slept together I told Louise I had to stop seeing her and she was okay with that. But the only reason I did it was because I thought it was finally mine and Evelynn's time. But now I'm wondering if we're even on the same page here.

"Why is she pretending like it never happened?" I sighed, falling back in my chair. "Honestly, I think she's just trying to figure things out. She did sleep with her ex-boyfriend in the same house she just bought with her fiancé. You might want to give her some time." Jack said, causing me to sigh.

He was right. Things happened very quickly and I don't think I've entirely processed things yet either. I just know that I'm so in love with Evelynn that at this point, I don't want to process anything, I just want to be with her.

"You're right." I said to Jack. "Just give it some time. I'll keep you updated if she says something about what happened."

I thanked Jack before hanging up the phone. I stared around my empty house feeling extremely alone. It almost felt like without Evelynn at this point, I didn't even know who I was anymore. I can't imagine not having her in my life, and I don't know what I'll do if I screwed it up for good this time.

There was just something that Ev and I have that I've never had with anyone else, and I know she feels it too, so it makes no sense why she stays with Sam when he treats her so poorly.

But I knew one thing, and it was that I wasn't going to get anywhere if I sat around and waited for her. I know we belong together, and I'm not going to sit and wait for her, I'm going to get her.

I grabbed my car keys and ran out to my vehicle. I stopped briefly and hesitated, wondering if this was the right decision, but then shook it off. This is the right decision.

I drove for what felt like forever until I pulled up in front of her house where I was just a few days ago. I saw her car in the driveway, so I jumped out of mine and ran up to the door. I knocked and felt butterflies rise in my stomach.

I saw Evelynn walk up to the door. She opened it and I instantly heard yelling.

Evelynn waved at me casually and I frowned in confusion. "Where the fuck are you?" Sam yelled from across the house. Evelynn looked at me with knowing eyes, which were signaling to me that she was very fed up with fighting Sam at every single turn.

"I went to answer the door. You probably didn't hear the knock because you are screaming at me." Evelynn said in a calm manner. She walked back into the kitchen and I hesitantly followed her.

"Why the FUCK is he here again? I've fucking had it with you two. It's time for you to kick him to the fucking curb, Evelynn." Sam yelled at her. I wanted to badly to yell back at him, but Evelynn waved a hand in front of me, as if to tell me 'I've got this'.

"Why are you so threatened by him? You've never gotten past us being friends and you know what Sam? That's really fucking petty and immature. You just never let up. You've tried time and time again to cut me off from the people in my life that I love most and I've had it." Evelynn said in an angered tone.

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