epic whirlwind romance

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above: where sam, ev and her mom have dinner


Whenever a member of my family comes to visit me in London, I'm immediately thrown into panic. My house has to be spotless, I need to clear my entire schedule in order to have enough time to spend with them, and I have to make reservations and accommodations well before their arrival.

But when it's my mom, I only really need to clean my house.

My mom's coming to visit me for the week, and standing in the airport waiting for her to walk through the arrival gate is making my heart excited.

We got back from LA about two weeks ago, and I felt so utterly lost in where I stood with Sam that I felt like it was a good idea to have my mom come and talk me through what the next steps were.

I had talked to Sam since I got back to London. He was a mess. He told me the typical stuff you'd expect to hear, the 'I'm so sorry' and the 'I don't know what came over me, but I'll never do it again'.

I told him I needed some time. And I took some time before deciding that I wasn't ready to give up yet. I saw his point of view. I had spent that entire day with Harry in LA when I could have split my time between them both, and I knew that if the roles were reversed, I would be pissed with him if he left me in that situation as well.

But there was still an uncertainty of where to go from here. Sure, I knew I didn't want us to break up, but should I still hang out with Harry? Should I let my two closest friends freely meddle in my relationship? Should I be trying to stop those things?

That's why my mom was coming. I needed guidance and there are some things that are best understood when it's told to you by your mom. Plus it was also my birthday in a few days.

When the doors to the arrival gate opened up, I saw my mom walk through and instantly beamed at her.

"Evie!" She exclaimed, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Hi mom." I smiled into her shoulder. "How was your flight?" I asked her as we walked over to baggage claim. "It was as nice as flying from New York to London could be. I'm exhausted, but happy to be here safe and out of the hospital for a week." She sighed, smiling at me gratefully.

"Well, I'm excited you're here. And you'll finally get to meet Sam." I said, knowing that was a touchy subject. My mom loved Harry. She was crushed when I told her we broke up.

"Oh, yes. Exciting. I can't wait." She forced a smile while I collected her bag from the carousel. "Try to hide that overwhelming enthusiasm there, mom." I rolled my eyes and she laughed. "I'm sorry, Evie. You know I liked the other young man that you brought to meet me in New York. He was absolutely breathtaking." My Mom gushed, causing my eyes to roll again.

"Were you dating him or was I?" I teased her. "Oh, dear, if he were my age and still looked like that I would be pulling out all the stops to get his attention." She winked at me, causing me to throw up in my mouth a little.

"Way too far, Mom. And way too much information." I said. My Mom laughed as we began to walk out of the airport.

"I missed you, Evie." My Mom said, nudging me in the side. "I missed you too, Mom." I smiled at her.


"I'm telling you, the answer is no." My Mom groaned while Maddie grilled her about how accurate Grey's Anatomy portrays a doctor's social life. "Are you serious? You've never hooked up with anyone in a supply closet? I find that so hard to believe." Maddie said in disbelief.

"Madison, that's just not an accurate portrayal, and most television based on real life professions is not something you should be blindly believing." My Mom scolded her as we all ate dinner together.

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