evelynn o'connor.

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Above: the golf course Harry and Ev go to later in the chapter. I took this picture when I was visiting Scotland :) I love it there.


"I'm telling you, it's got to be fireworks." Jack said as he raided my fridge.

"Excuse yourself? I'm just asking her out on a proper date not for her hand in marriage." I said, looking at Jack eat the last of the sushi that I think had been in my fridge for far too long. 

"Nah man, you have to pull out all the stops. To you, it's a date right? But to the girls this is like the fucking moment they commemorate for the rest of your life. In 20 years, Ev is gonna be like 'do you remember our first date the second time we got together? Remember how lame it was because there were no fireworks?'" Jack asked.

"Who said fireworks are the best way to go? Seriously, why the fuck are you so obsessed with fireworks?" I asked Jack as he continued to eat the old sushi. "And have you not ate all fucking year or what?" I asked him as he smirked.

"I was working until 4 AM thanks for asking. I didn't eat all day yesterday because Ev has this crazy huge wedding happening right now and we're all losing sleep because of it so sorry if I'm bothering you with my hunger." Jack rolled his eyes. 

"I want to make this memorable, I just don't want it to be cliché, you know?" I said, choosing to ignore his speech on hunger.  "Well, what was your first date the first time around?" Jack asked. "She came here and we made pizza and talked. It was really nice actually." I said, smiling at the memory. 

"Lame. You went for the home cooked meal once so you really need to up the anti this time. Take her for like a day trip to some place up the coast and play a round of golf or something. She loves golf." Jack said, making it sound like it was the lamest idea on the earth. 

"That's fucking genius." I said to him and Jack raised his eyebrows at me. "It is?" He asked in surprise. "Yes, it's simple yet detailed and can be really special. The last thing I want is to have our date in some uptight restaurant where you have to whisper to each other. This is a great idea." I said, patting Jack's shoulder.

"By the way, I think that sushi is very expired." I said casually, causing Jack to look at me with distain. "Fuck you." He said before running into the bathroom, causing me to chuckle.


I walked into Ev's business with a wondered sense of nostalgia. The first time I was here I was engaged to someone I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, and it turns out that I was completely wrong.

"What's up?" I asked Maddie as I leaned over the reception counter. "Are you here to ask her out, officially?" Maddie asked. I shook my head. "No, I'd never do it here, how lame is that?" I said in a dumbfounded tone. How could she think I'm that lame?

"Oh, well I know you're planning to ask her out sometime soon so excuse me for asking." Maddie raised her hands in defense. 

"Is she busy?" I asked, peeking to try and see into her office. "She's in a meeting right now, do you want to leave a call back number?" Maddie joked. "Very funny. No just tell her to stop by my house after work, okay?" I asked Maddie and she nodded. "You've got it."

I knew I had to plan a really exquisite date for Ev and I, but the first step in doing that was properly asking her out, and I had the perfect idea for it. 


The doorbell rang and it almost caused me to jump before realizing it was Evelynn which caused all of my nerves to be standing straight up. I went to the door and opened it to reveal Ev standing there in her work clothes with a confused look on her face. 

The Wedding Planner 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now