she is crazy about you

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above: Ev's Dad's NYC condo


"Come on, Maddie, we're going to be late." I yelled, checking the time. How was she taking this long to get ready? "Okay, okay, calm down. I'll be right out." Maddie called from my guest room.

I was currently in New York. I travelled with Maddie here to ask Evelynn's father permission to marry her. Things had been going so well since she moved in that I didn't want to waste any time. I asked Maddie to come because she knows where Evelynn's dad lives in the city and also knows him really well. If it looks like I won Maddie over as her best friends boyfriend, maybe I can win him over too.

"Okay, I'm ready to go. Do you have everything you need?" Maddie asked and I nodded, tossing her a granola bar. "Eat this on the way, we don't have time to stop for anything." I said and she groaned. "Not even coffee?" Maddie asked. "No, not even coffee. I want to try and get to his apartment before he leaves for work." I said as we ran out the door.

"What are you going to say to him?" Maddie asked once we got in the car. "I'm going to tell him I want to marry his daughter. Simple as that." I sighed, looking out the window. Maddie snickered. "What's funny about that?" I asked her.

"It's just that, nothing is ever simple with Ron. He is literally crazy. Did you know when Evelynn was 12 he made her attend a corporate business trip with him and forced her to come into his meetings with him. She didn't go along to lounge by the pool, she had to sit through everything because he wanted her to learn from him. He's crazy and he's not going to make this simple." Maddie explained.

I thought back to the first time that I met him, in Ev's office. He was rude then, but Evelynn put him in his place. I knew that even if he was going to make this hard on me, I had to do it. It was the honorable thing to do, and I wasn't going to ask Ev to marry me without at least trying to get her Dad's permission.

"Did you talk with her mom yet?" Maddie asked and I nodded. "Yeah I actually called her the other day saying I was going to be in New York and wanted to see her. She knows Ev and I are back together and basically figured it out. She gave me her blessing before I could even hang up the phone." I laughed.

"Yeah, I know her mom likes you. Ron is a different story though. By the way, what did you tell her you were doing here this weekend?" Maddie asked. "I said I had some producers to meet with which isn't untrue. What did you tell her?" I asked Maddie.

"I told her I was coming home to see my parents which she totally believed because I've been talking about coming home to see them for awhile. She was the one who brought up that I should just snag a ride with you. It fell perfectly into our laps, to be honest." Maddie laughed. I agree, that is pretty perfect.

"Okay, it's time to focus now. I need to be really serious about this ." I said, taking a deep breath. "Calm down Harry, everything is going to be fine." Maddie said. "How do you know that? Ron hates me I've met him before and trust me, he is not my biggest fan." I sighed.

"But you love Evelynn, right?" Maddie asked. I nodded. "More than anything. That's why I'm doing this. I can't imagine my life without her in it." I explained and Maddie smiled.

"Just remember that when you're talking to him and things will be fine." She smiled, causing a bit of relief to flood through me. Maddie was right. I love Ev. And that's what matters here.


As I knocked on the door of Ron's condo, I felt increasingly nervous. Maddie was the one who buzzed us in so he didn't even know I was here, he was expecting her, and he's getting me.

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