she was the one who got in the middle

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above: the trail jack and harry run on


When I woke up in the morning, the stinging reality of my current situation seemed to slap me in the face and all I wanted to do was climb under my sheets and stay there forever.

But, I needed to face the facts. Evelynn's moved on. She's with someone else. She's happy. I should at least be grateful she's welcomed me back into her life as a friend. I just couldn't shake the feeling that she's making a mistake with him, though. She deserves so much better than him. He doesn't treat her properly and almost expects that she bow down to him in every single situation. It just doesn't make sense.

And I know I screwed up. I should never have released that statement to the media all those months ago. If I didn't, we'd probably be happy at this point, but now, I need to live with the consequences of my actions, no matter how hard it was. I made this situation for myself, and I need to deal with it.

So, with a groan I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed my phone to check the weather for the day and catch up on some emails and messages from my team.

After that, I hopped in the shower, where I felt myself humming some new melodies that I made sure to make note of after I got out. I then walked downstairs to grab some orange juice, and I was startled to see Jack sitting at the kitchen island.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked him, getting a glass and pouring some juice. "Couldn't sleep, I missed Cora." Jack sighed. "Sorry she couldn't come, man. I know you wanted her to." I consoled him. Cora couldn't come with us because she couldn't get time off work and Jack was pretty upset about it.

"Yeah, it's okay. She really loves her job and didn't want to miss out on planning this big event they're working on. I get it." He shrugged. "Why are you up already? Couldn't sleep because you know Sam and Evelynn are sleeping in the same bed under your roof?" Jack teased, and I rolled my eyes even though he was partially right.

"No, actually. This is just when I normally get up." I lied, and Jack laughed. "Sure it is. Anyway, what do ya got planned for us today buddy?" Jack smiled. "Not a whole lot. You've been here before, you find something to do." I joked with him.

"Yeah, that trip was fun hey? Except for me having to third wheel you and Evelynn. That wasn't exactly wonderful." Jack whined. I'd give anything to go back to that trip, when it was just the three of us and everything with Evelynn was so new and exciting. I'm starting to have regretted ever coming up with the idea to come to LA in the first place. It's a lot harder for me to be around Sam and Evelynn than I expected.

"Do you want to go for a run?" I suddenly asked Jack. "Sure, any particular reason why?" Jack asked me and I shrugged, choosing to be open and honest with him. "Because I'm still in love with her and don't want to hang around and make her and her boyfriend breakfast." I said as casually as possible.

Jack's facial expressions softened and he nodded. "Let's go."


"You do that run every morning? I think I just about died." Jack said in an exhausted tone while we sat in my favourite LA smoothie spot after finishing our run. "Well, not every morning, but as often as I can. It's a killer route, but it helps me think and clears my head. And I really needed that today." I shrugged.

"Yeah, no kidding. Do you want to talk about anything?" Jack offered. "I don't know. There isn't really much to talk about. I need to move my ass on." I sighed, sitting down and taking a sip from my smoothie cup. "But, Harry, you're not seriously going to give up that easy, are you?" Jack asked me.

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