believe me when I say

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When it rains in London, it pours. Sometimes it feels like it will never stop, and today, I was perfectly okay with that. 

I was not expecting Sam to propose to me last night. Not in my wildest dreams was I expecting that. But now that it's happened, I can't help but to think that maybe this is the way things are supposed to go for me. Maybe I'm meant to marry Sam, build a quiet but wonderful life in a London suburb, raise a family and become friends with the other parents who show up to the PTA meetings. 

I had never imagined myself doing that until Sam got down on one knee. Then suddenly, I could see it all. I saw us dancing at our wedding, I saw our children running in fields collecting flowers, and I saw us growing old together and watching our children have families of their own. 

But there was just one thing missing from that picture. 

There was no Maddie, no Jack, and no Harry. My three closest friends, the people I trusted most with my life. Would they ever accept that this is what I may want? Maddie made it pretty clear that she would never accept Sam and I. I don't know how Jack feels, but I think he would follow Maddie before he followed me. 

I don't know how entirely okay with that I am. I may like what I see in my future with Sam, but how could I truly be happy without those three in my life? Did I really have to choose between Sam and my three best friends? 

"I'm going to stay at Jack's for a couple weeks." Maddie said, coming out of her room with a bag packed. "You're leaving?" I asked, shocked that she was taking our fight this far. I needed her right now, and I know she's mad at me, but I needed her. 

"Yeah, I need some space for awhile, and I think you do too." Maddie said without looking at me. "Maddie I didn't mean what I said, okay? Seriously. I take it back." I sighed, and she shook her head. "You meant it, Ev. I saw it in your eyes. And to be honest, I don't know who you are anymore. If there's an emergency, you know where I'll be, but in the meantime, just leave me alone, okay?" Maddie said before walking out the door and slamming it behind her. 

I sighed deeply. Of course this had to be happening right now. How could they all be this cruel? Couldn't they at least consider my feelings? 

"They are considering your feelings." My mom said as she entered the kitchen. Oops, I must have been thinking out loud. 

"How are they considering my feelings, Mom? Please, enlighten me." I said, raising my eyebrows at her. "They want what's best for you and they clearly don't think that Sam is what's best. Look, I hate to say that they're choosing sides, but it looks like they are, and it looks like they've chosen Harry." 

"Chosen Harry?" I inquired, not following what she's trying to say. 

"If you knew for certain that Harry had feelings for you, would that change what you were going to do with Sam?" My mom asked me and I looked at her, baffled. "Where is this coming from, Mom? Harry and I are ancient history. We've finally gotten to a good place as friends and I don't want to ruin that." I explained.

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. Would it change things if you knew that Harry still had feelings for you?" She asked again. 

"No." I said definitively, not entirely believing myself. My mom laughed quietly, shaking her head. "Okay, if you say so sweetheart. I have to start packing, I need to be at the airport soon. Are you still okay to drive me?" My mom asked.

Great, and on top of all of this, my mom had to leave today. 

"Of course I can still drive you." I scoffed, unable to comprehend how my mother could be so cold about all of this.

The Wedding Planner 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now