team london / team hevelynn

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"I never want to fight again." Maddie laughed as we walked out of the mall, in the midst of our first time hanging out since we were basically at war. "Agreed. Let's never go back there." I smiled at her, and she giggled.

But there was still a somber mood in the air. It had been a week since my breakup with Sam. I hadn't heard anything from him but I knew that was a good thing. We both know there's no coming back from this. 

"You okay?" Maddie asked as we walked to her car. "As okay as I can be, I guess." I sighed. "Well, I'm just saying but, I'm sure Harry would be more than happy to turn your frown upside down if you know what I mean. I don't know why you're waiting he's literally a sitting duck just waiting for you to show up at his door and have sex with him." Maddie said casually.

"Okay first of all, that's gross. And second of all, I was engaged a week ago. I'm not just going to get over that by getting on top of Harry." I rolled my eyes. "He deserves better than that." I explained to Ev. 

"Fine, fine. He does, but he won't be there forever and I don't want you to blow it." Maddie said, her eyes glistening with hope. "I know you want us together but things have been so weird since.." I paused, realizing she doesn't know I slept with him at the house warming party. I think Harry told Jack, but he didn't get around to telling Maddie, and Jack loves knowing things Maddie doesn't so he wouldn't have told her either.

"Since what?" Maddie asked, looking at me confused. "Harry and I, we slept together at my house warming party. After Sam and I got into that huge fight I'd had it. I wanted to lash out and it was a convenient opportunity." I said and Maddie gasped. "Ev, shut up. You slept with your ex in the same house you bought with your fiancé and then broke up with your fiancé in the same house a few days later with the same ex-boyfriend standing right beside you? I feel like you're living in a movie." Maddie punched my playfully in the arm. 

"It's not a movie. It feels hopeless right now." I sighed. "Don't say that, things will get better." Maddie said, seeing I was extremely upset. I shook my head and choked back tears.

"I've been thinking about moving back to New York." I confessed, causing Maddie's brows to furrow in confusion. "What? Why on earth would you want to do that?" 

"I don't know, I just feel like since I moved to London, I've gotten nowhere, and now I've had two failed relationships and nothing to show for it. I just think it's time to stop kidding myself." I shrugged. 

Maddie sighed and shook her head. "You know, you're looking at it all wrong, Ev." I turned to look at her, a confused look on my face. "What?" I asked.

"You're saying you have nothing to show for being in London and that it's just been nothing but dead ends, but you're wrong. Look at it from a positive perspective. You met Jack here, you met Harry, you started a new business, and you convinced me to come here and start a wonderful adventure with you too. This is our home, the place that we've worked hard to make ours. If you left, it would never be the same." Maddie tried to convince me.

Her words were true, but I felt like I had too much baggage weighing me down in London and sitting around and trying to sort through it could take months. I just didn't have the patience anymore. 

"Just, really think about this, okay?" Maddie asked and I nodded. But I was fairly sure my mind was already made up. 



My mind was heavy as I waited for Harry to enter the diner. 

Hearing that Evelynn wanted to leave London was cause for serious concern. She would be leaving everything behind. I was not about to let that happen without at least trying to get her to stay. 

The Wedding Planner 2 // H.S.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz