I do care for you!

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She was your stepmother for nearly a year now and actually she was the first one who was longer with your father than just two weeks. And she was the only one you had a crush on. In your eyes she was perfect but she never really liked you. She always had a cold expression towards you and you got used by it, used by denying your feelings towards her but it doesn't always work and you felt stupid for still loving her. Sometimes she would look after you, check if you're okay what surprised you but the next moment she left you cold again.

Over the last weeks you didn't know if you should feel sorry for her or not. You knew your father was cheating on her, you saw him with other women lots of times but you never told her and also your father didn't know that you knew.

Right now you were laying in your bed. You didn't feel well the last days and you just wanted to stay in bed. A knock on your door rips you out of your thoughts. "Come in"you say as you sit up. "Hi uhm you haven't left your room the last days and I wanted to see if you're alright." You roll your eyes at her.

"why do you even care?" "Uhm i-" she closes the door behind her.

"See! Just like always. You check up on me and do as if you would care for me and the next moment you don't give a fuck about me and are just the bitch you're always towards me!"

Her face shows an angry look now. "Don't talk to me like that and actually I just wanted to talk to you about your father!" She walks closer to you

Wait does she know?

"Don't you see what I do for you? I cook for you, I clean for you and you-" "Yeah maybe you do the household but you treat me like shit! Always! YOU NEVER CARE FOR ME SO WHY DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I FEEL NOW!?" You spat back. "I DO CARE FOR YOU!"

You stand up, facing her. "Oh well I haven't seen any of this. I was the one who tried to do the first move, who tried everything that we have a good start! But you only pushed me away. I tried to be friendly, everything that you like me at least a little bit but no you, YOU the great Joan Potter are too good to show a bit courtesy towards me! Just tell me you hate me!" She looks at you with widened eyes.

"Come on say it in my face and you finally said what you wanted to say from the beginning..!"

Deep down you hope that she wouldn't say this to you and it wasn't easy at all to say that to her but you just let out all of the anger and frustration this time. And she let it all out as well when she suddenly slaps you across the face.

With tears in her eyes she runs out of your room while you stand there shocked, holding your cheek while you cried now too.

Everything you said to her was the truth but still you felt sorry. You take a moment before you walk down the stairs and see her sitting on the kitchen table with her head in her hands and red eyes.

"Listen I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that all to you...." You walk over to the sink for a glass of water as you hear her sob. "But it's true..." You turn around "I really didn't treat you well but what isn't true is that I don't care for you."

She looks up, staring in your eyes.

"Then why are you still so cold to me? I feel like this is all my fault" you cry out when you sit on the chair next to her.

"Because i-" she sighs. "I was scared 'something' would happen...but it's too late now cause it already happened." You look at her confused. You put the glass down on the table as you look up with teary eyes. "I-i really don't know what you mean." You stand up and walk to the stairs when she pulls you back in for a kiss.

Her plump lips feel soft on yours. You are about to kiss back but then pull away. "Joan what the fuck?!" Her hands cover her mouth.

"I'm sorry I- this is what I meant" she stumbles over her feet as she walks back into the kitchen. You after her. "WHAT?"

She cups your face with her hands.

"When I first saw you I was speechless and feared that I would fall for you that's why I kept my distance and tried to deny these feelings. But sometimes I had to know how you feel so I checked up on you but I would have lost myself in a long conversation with you and I knew I wouldn't have been able to control myself. But I can't stop it anymore." Tears streamed down both of your faces.

"You said you wanted to talk about Dad?" She nods. "Do you think he is- is cheating on me?" You look down to the ground, not daring to look at her right now. "Okay I understand..."

"I'm sorry for not telling you but I-" She cups your face again, making you look at her. "It's fine and I-" her voice breaks. "I really am sory for always being like this towards you. I never wanted this." You both lean in until your lips slightly brush. "I can't hold it back anymore." She whispers before crashing her lips to yours.

You pick her up and walk upstairs to your room, you fall down on the bed with her, still kissing each other. You smile as you pull away. "This isn't what we should be doing but I really fell for you" you hug her as you hear those words slip out of her mouth.

"We still have some time before your father comes home..." You smile before she kisses you again, softly.

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