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Reyna sat at the top of the meeting table, Jason braiding her hair before sitting down beside her.  There were plenty of seats, meaning there was plenty of people on the council. Her and Jason had been there for a while already. They were spending most of their time together. Reyna was glad Jason told her the truth about Beryl. He seemed somewhat happier now. Less tired, at least.
All the students started coming in, looking tired. To be fair, it was a Monday morning. When everyone came, she cleared her throat.
"Good morning, everyone."
Everyone stared blankly at her.

Reyna sighed after a moment. "Can you all lighten up?"
"Yeah, guys," Travis Stoll said, swinging on the back of his chair. "Wakey wakey."
"Thank you Travis." Reyna muttered. "Alright. Welcome back to all of our previous members and a warm welcome to our new members, Lacy, who is in her freshman year, Clovis, who is in his sophomore year, Nico and Hazel who are in their junior year and Percy, who's in his senior year."


He only joined so Hazel wouldn't be alone. He had no clue why she wanted to join. Now he was sitting between her and Connor Stoll, regretting the decision. Of course Octavian was sitting across from him. Nico still hadn't gotten revenge for what Octavian said to Hazel, but he couldn't start a fight now. It could wait for another while.


"Jason, could you please go through the main roles?"
Jason nodded, picking up the sheet. "Obviously Reyna and I are head and co.head," he took a moment to look up at Octavian, just to see his reaction. "Connor and Travis are the treasurers, so you two will be in charge of all the funds we make."
"Is that a good idea?" Katie Gardner asked.
"Sure it is!" Travis said.
"Octavian is the secretary-" Jason continued, but had to pause so he wouldn't laugh.
"What?!" Octavian said.

Reyna took a drink of water to hide her smile.
"Is there a problem, Octavian?" Jason asked.
"I never asked to be secretary."
"Okay, so? Travis and Connor never asked to be treasurers."
"That's true." Connor said. "We're just so smart that we're the obvious choice."
"Hah." Malcolm Pace muttered.
"Yes, but I don't want to be secretary." Octavian said.

"We thought you'd be a great choice." Jason faked a smile. Even Dakota and Gwendolyn, Octavian's best friends, looked like they were trying not to laugh.
"So," Jason continued. "You can fulfil your role or leave the council."
Octavian just glared at Jason but said nothing back.

"Moving on-" Jason said, after taking a minute to stop himself from laughing. "Malcolm and Annabeth, you two are in charge of the school website and- everything else online."
"Basically they're the computer nerds." Connor said.
"Excuse you!" Malcolm started, but Jason cleared his throat and they both shut up.
"Don't worry, the rest of you are, of course, important members of our council, however those are the main roles. Anyone have any questions?"

"Why's Annabeth drinking coffee like an academically gifted aesthetic kid?" Travis Stoll asked. Reyna looked over to Annabeth, who was drinking out of a coffee cup.
"Travis- we mean real questions." Reyna said, but Annabeth took the lid off the coffee cup.
"Actually, look, it's a Capri-sun. I did pour it into a coffee cup for the aesthetic."
Will Solace laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.
"Does anyone have a spare coffee cup?" Dakota asked. He must've realised how ridiculous he looked drinking out of a juice box.

Reyna decided controlling these children wouldn't be so easy.
"So-" Octavian began.
"Raise your hand before speaking." Jason interrupted, even though that was never an actual rule.
Octavian just rolled his eyes. "How-"
"Raise your hand before speaking." Jason repeated.
Reyna bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing. Other people were not so discreet. Percy Jackson and Frank Zhang were trying not to laugh, but looked at each other and broke down.
"How do you plan on getting the funds?" Octavian said quickly, before Jason could interrupt.

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