01 | new kid

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My momma once told me that the second you've got a boy begging for you, that's when you know he's all in. Boys are too proud, she said. Once they let their guard down, they're all yours.

It's a scolding hot summersday, and the pavement burns your bare feet as you run across it to hug your favorite boy.

«I can't believe you're here! I can't believe it!» You screech as you pull Daniel in for a hug. «It's good to see you, y/n,» he replies as you pull out.

You and Dan have known each other since you were little. Your moms are best friends, and it was actually your mom who offered Mrs. LaRusso a job down here in Cali. You only moved from Jersey just over the summer as well.

«Oh, Claire!» Mrs. LaRusso pulls your mother into a tight hug. «Isn't this wonderful?» She turns to Daniel. He doesn't look all that excited.

«C'mon, Dan, I'll help you get your stuff upstairs,» you say to him, and you leave your mom and Mrs. LaRusso alone to catch up.

«Man, this place is a dump,» Daniel grunts as you walk the stairs up to his apartment. «Where do you guys live, anyways?»

Your stomach turns. You know Daniel always has been jealous of your wealth, though he tries his best to hide it. You didn't want to tell him you live up in the Hills just yet. «Just a mile away,» you say quickly. «Was the car ride okay?»

Daniel only shrugs as he pushes open the door to apartment 20. It's kind of crammed, and it has seen better days, you'll admit, but you try to stay positive for Daniel. «Look, it's only you and your mom. You'll be fine.»

You and your mom help them with the last few boxes, before you all go out to eat dinner. You drive a little further into town, and stop at a diner.

When seated, and after you've ordered, the uneviteable 'catching up convo' starts.

«So, y/n, your mother tells me you play for the school's volleyball team?» Mrs. LaRusso asks. You nod, and take a sip out of your soda. You joined the team during the first week of school. «Yeah, it's great. Keeps me active.» You look over at Daniel. «They got a football team as well, you should try out.»

«That would be great!» Mrs. LaRusso says exctatically. «I'll see if I can find time,» Daniel replies. You snort. «As if you've got anything better to do.» He makes a grimace, and you both laugh it off.

«So you're happy with your new school?» Mrs. LaRusso asks, and you can see that she's asking on Daniels behalf. «Oh, yes,» your mom cuts in. «She has made many friends already, haven't you, darling?»

You roll your eyes. «Thanks, but I don't need a translator, mom. I can speak for my self.»

Daniel snickers from across the table. Your mother sighs. «Alright, should've seen it coming with you two. Get out and be smart somewhere else.»

You nod your head at Daniel, and you both get up. Your mom throws you the keys to her car. «Be home by 10.» «You got it, captain,» you say, and you and Daniel exit the diner.

«Hop in, loser,» you tease as you get behind the wheel, and adjust the rearview mirror to your glance. «Since when do you have a liscence?» Daniel asks and sits down in the passengers seat. «It's been a long time, my friend,» you say dramatically as you put on a pair of sunglasses.

«Oh please it's been two months,» Daniel grunts. You lift your glasses to send him a glare. «Whatever, I've got a liscence and you don't.»

You pull the car onto the road, and start driving. «Where are we going?» Daniel asks as the diner becomes smaller and smaller behind you. «A few friends of mine are meeting up at the beach.» Daniel merely nods, and accepts his fate.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓 - 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now