42|Nova, It's Kelly

Start from the beginning

My head turns to the side as her hand comes down onto my cheek. I feel the skin begin to burn and sting, I clench my jaw to stop the groan from coming out. "Get out of my house, I never want to see you again." She spits out at me.

"Mum it wa-

"I'll leave right away." I mutter, turning back to look her in the eyes.

She stares at me, tears of anger and grief falling from her eyes. "I'm truly sorry." I'm not sorry that he has passed, I couldn't care what happened to him.

I turn on my heels only for Grayson's hand to wrap around my wrist stopping me. I sigh and turn to face him. "Grayson, it's fine." I plead with him to just let me take the blame.

"I can't just let you do that." He rushes out pulling me closer to him. "It was my decision. Let me take it!" He whisper shouts. I smile softly at him and shake my head.

"Grayson, you need me to take the blame for you. I know you and you wouldn't be able to live without your mother." I whisper. I kiss him on the cheek before slipping my wrist out of his grip and turning to leave.

I make my way to the door in a haze. Again, a staff member opens the door for me to leave, me being in to much of a rush to leave, I forget to thank him. I make it to the car, slamming the door as I sit in my seat with a sigh.

Now being alone and in safe distance from Evelyn or Grayson, I let my tears fall. My hands touch my neck where I'm sure there is purple hand prints decorating my skin. I pull the visor down and see the damage done and let out a quiet cry.

My eyes burn, my throat closing up and my chest heaving up and down as sobs rack through me. I wince as a sharp shooting pain goes through my stomach. I place my hand on my stomach momentarily distracted from crying. But when I remember wheat happened, I forget the pain in my stomach focused on the pain in my heart.

Now that Grayson's father is dead hell is going to be brought upon us. Not only does Mr Blackwell have allies who will want to avenge his death, but he has enemies who will stop at nothing but to destroy what is left of his empire.

Oh god.

Grayson just made himself a target for many many dangerous and ruthless people. I've seen it happen many times before in the mafia. People challenge other people to gain more power or they eliminate weak people after a tragedy just like what happened today. People will challenge Grayson for his position he has now gained.

Oh god. Grayson has just become the most powerful man in the mafia.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I look up and see Grayson walking out of the house with a clenched jaw. I wipe away the tears from my face letting my hair fall from behind my ear to create a curtain, shielding my tear stained cheeks. He opens the door and climbs in with a slam.

I can feel his emotions rolling off him in waves and crashing into me. He's never had his guard down like this before and I know it's because he's so overwhelmed by everything that happened, he doesn't care.

"You shouldn't of done that." He breaks the silence.

I clear my throat. "I had to." I hide the croak in my voice shielding it with a cough.

"I killed my father." I look towards him to see him staring at his hands that rest on the weal.

"You did." I nod my head not knowing what else to say.

Grayson leans back in his seat, his head falling back with a groan. He runs his hands down his face harshly, running his hands through his hair gripping the dark strands roughly. I let out a small sigh and reach out to grab one of his hands in mine. I avoid his eyes still wanting to hide my face by looking out the window wordlessly.

We sit like that for a while, our hands joined together as we sit in silence. I think we're both digesting what had just happened and what's going to happen because of it.

Just the thought of someone harming Grayson and him getting hurt brings more tears to my eyes. I let out quiet cry's my silent sniffles getting Grayson attention.

"What is it, Angel?" His hands cups my cheek most definitely feeling my tears. He turns my head towards him and I don't try and fight it as he takes in my embarrassing state. "Why are you crying?" He asks softly.

"Because, I don't want to lose you, Grayson." I sob letting him pull me over him so I'm tucked into his chest. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't with me." I admit quietly.

"Shh, I'm not going anywhere." He rubs up and down my back soothingly. I cling onto his shirt and hiding my head into the crook of his neck. Just the smell of him calms me. His soft movements and soothing words reminding me that I still have him. He's still here.

"You don't need to worried okay, Angel. I would never want to leave you and I don't plan on it anytime soon." I chuckle as he flashes me a small smile. "Or like, ever." I let out another laugh letting my tears be forgotten.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared." I admit shyly. This is what I was scared of from the very beginning, Grayson meaning more to me then I could handle. I've never felt this deeply for some one.

The only relationships I had ended because of me, If you could even call them a relationship. It was more of a fling. Then the last time I felt similar to the way Grayson made me feel, again, I ended it. It was just too much commitment for me.

Now, look where I am.

"Angel, you don't need to worry about me." I sigh softly as he kisses my neck. "I promised I'd never leave you, didn't I?" He pulls me closer to him and I relax in his touch.

He's right, he promised me.

I go to reply but I get stopped by my phone ringing. With a groan I reach for it and answer it. "Hello?"

"Nova, it's Kelly." I suck in a deep breath as Eva says the words. "I think this is it. I think we've found her." She breaths.

I let out a happy laugh. "Really?" I ask not believing her.

"Nova, we're leaving tonight."

"I'm on my way." I say and hang up the phone with a smile.

"What is it?" Grayson asks.

"It's Kelly." I breath climbing back into my seat I turn to him with a small smile filled with relief and hope.

"I think we've found her, Grayson."


I think I jinxed myself. I was so sure that I wouldn't be late and was like 'yeah! I'll make it on time, no need to worry'...I was wrong. 🙄

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! I'll admit killing off Grayson father was very fun. Raise your hands if you hate him 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

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State beautiful.

Bella. Xx

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