If Izuku lost his All Might figurine

Start from the beginning

"Mina!" Jirou and Kaminari exclaim at the same time.

(Could be considered as Jirou and Kaminari both being shocked and not agreeing, or both being flustered and admitting they like eachother. Take it as you like :D)

"And I wasn't talking to you. Maybe plug those ears back into your headphones." 

Jirou was speechless as Kaminari pat her shoulder in understanding. 

"Deku the energy you brought into the classroom is not acceptable." Momo berated, hugging a crying Jirou and Kaminari. 

"Then why don't you create me a new attitude with your quirk? Oh I forgot, you only make useless sh*t."

"Well, I certainly didn't expect that-" Momo began, earning sympathetic looks from everyone.

"You helped us pass finals. So that means your quirk and you aren't useless right?" Todoroki stated confusedly. 

"Thank you Todoroki." Momo smiled- she needed to believe in her abilities more! A hero should be confident in their skills!

"For...stating facts?" Todoroki murmured, earning snickers from Uraraka and Tsu. 

"Deku you need to calm down." Todoroki  stated seriously.

"Todoroki, you're my friend." Midoriya started. "Which is why I know you're reciting the words your therapist tells you."

"Well, he's not wrong." Todoroki muttered, somewhat sheepish. 

"I can't stand seeing good apples turned bad." Iida sighs. 

"Your brother can't stand me either Iida." Izuku starts.


"In fact, I don't think he can stand anybody!"

Iida gasps in shock. 

Silence reigns in the theatre, as Iida's face pales considerably. 

"That is unacceptable, and if anyone thinks such a thing, there will be severe consequences." Nezu states, earning shivers from everyone. "Even those who do not reside in UA."

"Ay, ay Nezu-san." Hawks gulps. He's number 2, but even Nezu's glare is frightening. 

"Iida-" Uraraka starts, before Iida interrupts her. 

"Don't worry, I know Midoriya wouldn't say that to me no matter what kind of mood he's in. I'm oka- well, I'm not, but I know I have you all here for aid." Iida says softly, earning a small hug from everyone surrounding him. 

"Deku, my office. Now." Aizawa says angrily, his capture weapon wrapped around Izuku. 

"What you gonna do, erase my quirk?" Izuku asks bitterly, both of them exiting the classroom.

"Can't believe Deku's in detention-! Who knew his bad moods were this bad!" Kirishima chattered. 

"No kidding!" Yamada chided in, earning a sigh from Aizawa. 

"I can't even disagree with you 'zashi." 

"Are you kidding? He came for everyone in the class! That man is dangerous!" Uraraka shrieks in fear.

"I think I see him heading this way." Tokoyami states.

"Released so early?! What kind of sentence was that?!" Kaminari yelped, tears still in his eyes.

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