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DENIAL. I didn't want it to be true. But as time passed and her saddened eyes flashed in my mind, it became something I couldn't run away from. It was true no matter how much I tried to deny and ignore the situation. It will always be true, despite the fact that I didn't want it to be.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Diana stared at the photo in awe.
"She is." The word beautiful underestimates how enticing and attractive she is. It isn't enough to describe her. 
"Mr. Marshall has great taste, damn."
"He does." 
"If I were him, I would never let this woman go. Like, bitch, I'm not gay, but I would seriously date the shit out of her, right?"
"Yes, I would. I would date her, too."


WAKING up alone in bed made me feel odd after spending weeks sleeping beside Vic. The concept seems odd, despite it being three consecutive days since I last saw the taller woman. I do admit to missing her already, but I still need my own space to think and also give her a chance to think about what happened. 
Vic did try to talk to me the same night, but I told her to give me some space, and these past few days, she granted my request and only sent a few texts saying she misses me and reminding me to eat and rest. 
Vic: Good morning, Ven. Don't forget to eat your breakfast :)
Vic: I miss you. 
Vic: Good night, angel. Sweet dreams. 
It was sweet. 
Honestly, my anger already dissipated the morning after; I couldn't stay mad at her for long, or anyone for that matter. Although I still feel hurt about what she said, the disappointment still lingers. It's not like she's lying, though; I'm not her girlfriend. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't feel hurt about it, right? I do expect us to become official soon. I was waiting for her to be ready, like she waited for me as I moved on from my ex. 
I have the right to feel hurt, don't I?
"Hey, babe, you okay?" Brinley took my attention away from thinking, worried eyes staring up at me. 
"Yes, I'm okay." I smiled. Although I knew they didn't believe me, they left me with my own thoughts. 
Gab pulled my head down to lie on their shoulder. I let out a sigh, hugging my arms around their body. 
"I hope you don't think bad about her," I started the conversation my friends have been avoiding. "I know what happened looked bad, but I swear she's not like that. Vic's just in a bad situation right now." Although I don't know what kind of bad situation, I do know something is stressing her out. 
"Work's been stressing her out, and you know what happened with Sloane. She's just been on the edge lately." 
Vic is sweet and caring, and I know she didn't mean to hurt me. She said those words out of anger and frustration. Even though we've known each other for only a few months, I trust her. She would never hurt me on purpose because Vic knows I've already been hurt enough. 
She wouldn't. 
"If you say so, babe, we trust you, but that doesn't mean we trust her. The first time we met her, you came to us crying. So don't blame me for wanting to strangle her a bit." Brinley rolled her eyes. 
"Gabbbb," I whined at them. 
They only shrugged. "She's kinda right, babe. Although I don't think the strangle part would happen, bitch barely reaches your girl's chest."
Brinley gasped in feigned hurt before slapping Gab's shoulder. "I reach her shoulder, asshole. That woman is just freakishly tall." 
"Come to think of it, you're the only short friend I have. The twins are taller than me, and Gab is obviously taller," I teased my short friend, who again gasped. She hates it when we jab at her height. 
"Midget," Gab snickered. 
"Fucking jerks." 
Gab and I burst into laughter as Brinley pretended to ignore us, and I felt at ease. Spending time with my friends kept me from overthinking, and I'm glad I have them in my life. 
As soon as our lunch break ended, I went to my office while they went to theirs. I was going over Mr. Marshall's schedule when something caught my eye. A few weeks from now, roughly over a month, a date is entitled anniversary. Not having seen this yesterday, I grew curious. Maybe Sir James added this to his schedule earlier?
I knew Sir James was married, but I never saw or heard about his wife, or maybe even his husband. In my 5 months of working for this company, no one ever mentioned Mr. Marshall's spouse. He doesn't have any pictures on his desk, and he's not even wearing a ring.
I presume no one really mentions anything because, like myself, Sir James did just get into the position almost at the same time I did, having been previously occupied by his father. Maybe the others have no idea as well. And since it isn't really any of my business, I never bothered to ask. 
As an assumption, maybe Sir James plans to cancel his appointments on this certain day for their anniversary.
Shrugging, I continued my work and started on the on-going report. A notification on my phone caught my attention; I already knew who it was from. 
Vic: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. I miss you. 
Biting my lip, I forced myself to stop my hand from typing out a reply and telling her I miss her too. I couldn't help a smile from forming on my lips. 
Startled, I looked up at the voice. I glared at Brinley's shit-eating grin. She was hovering over my shoulder and apparently saw the text. I didn't even notice her presence. Is this what being small is like? 
"Fuck you." 
"Wrong woman, Ven." The bitch winked and sauntered out of the office with a final whip of her long raven hair. 

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