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DROWNING myself with memories I've been trying to forget, I groaned as I looked down at the only photo I don't have the heart to delete. It's a picture of the two of us, eating at her favorite ice cream shop, one of the few things we agreed on when it comes to food. Having ice cream as our comfort food.

I remember how happy she was when I told her I love ice cream too, then proceeded to tease me about it. She said we finally have something in common, therefore, we were more compatible. I smiled to myself at the memory.

The hundred of pictures we took together were all deleted, it was the point where I couldn't take to even look at her face through the screen of my phone. Out of hurt and anger, I deleted every single one of them. If someone asks me whether I regret my decision, I'm going to answer yes. Because despite what she did to me, my love for her isn't any less. And I hate myself for it.

I hate myself for still loving her.

"Is it just me or Mrs. Marshall is turning out to be one of the most basic people ever. I mean, plain vanilla ice cream for dessert? Really? That's it?" Diana groaned, slumping down next to me. I chuckled at her in amusement.

"What's wrong with liking vanilla ice cream for dessert?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was expecting something fancy you know. Or just a fancy ice cream! But nooo, Mrs. Marshall likes plain fucking vanilla," She flailed her arms, frustrated. "Right?"

I shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I very much like vanilla ice cream."


FROWNING down at my phone, I sighed in frustration after waiting for a few minutes and still no text or call from Vic. She got back from the business trip over a week ago, and we did celebrate her coming back and earning a business deal, but after three days straight of only going on dates with me, she got busy again. Which I don't get because she promised me that she would take a month off from work. My schedule isn't full, too, therefore we decided this is the best time for us to spend more time with each other.

We barely saw one another the past few weeks, now I'm not seeing her again. I would understand, it's her work. But would it be too hard to call me for a few minutes or give a message?

At first, Vic did say something came up at work and she couldn't take an off yet, but after that, she never said anything to me again. I don't know where she lives or where she works at and I can't really visit her unannounced if I do know, we're not at that stage yet. I don't want to impose and invade something I shouldn't.

I know it's only been a few days, but I can't help but worry. What if something happened to her?

Frustrated, I decided to give it some time and started cleaning my place to get my mind off of it. Whenever I'm angry or frustrated, I take it out on my house. But instead of trashing the place, I do the opposite. Which is clean until I'm satisfied.

It took me hours to give my house a good cleaning, although I was tired, my mind was still on Vic, and it frustrates me to no end. I decided to give my Kahli a call, hoping she's not busy with work.

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