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MOVING around the venue as I monitored the people fixing up the place. Guiding them exactly how planned, from the arrangement of tables, chairs and the buffet table.

As I looked around, a sudden wave of memory came into my mind. The day she took me to this very garden for our first date, saying it was one of her favorite places to go to. The place where we kissed, hugged and got to know more about one another.

But this very garden is also where it all ended. The place where we fought, cried and finally let each other go. A place I loathed and loved at the same time.

"Didn't see Mrs. Marshall as a garden type of person," Dianna commented beside me.

"Hmm," Nodding my head absentmindedly, I stared at the spot under the tree. The exact spot where we would sit and embrace each other as she eats her favorite cake.


GETTING out of Vic's car, I followed as she led us into a garden. A very beautiful one at that. There are a lot of different kind of flowers, ranging from roses to daisies and carnation. A lot of varieties I can't name. The shrubs, hedge plants and trees looked taken cared of, the former even having been cut into shapes and trimmed. The trees are tall and huge, enough to give shelter if one decides to lie down beneath it. I could see the wildlife free and out of harm. Butterflies and other insects around the place.

Walking further inside the place, a pond with a few fishes, reeds and water lilies can be seen. Its surface surrounded with stones. While a few feet away from the pond near a corner is a stone table with wooden chairs. A bench also placed beside it.

"My favorite place," Vic muttered with a smile, placing the picnic basket down. "I often go here when I want to be alone, but also feel surrounded. Nature is beautiful, isn't?"

I nodded, "It is. This place is very beautiful, Vic. I understand why you like it."

"This is the first time you agreed to something I like," She grinned, pertaining to her fondness of dark chocolate and red velvet.

"Who doesn't like gardens."

"Now, this," Vic pulled me under the biggest tree among the others. Also the looking like the oldest one. "Is my favorite spot."

She started preparing the picnic blanket, getting the food out along with the beverages and two cushion pillows. I took one, placing it on my lap as I sat down, my legs stretched out.

"Is this our second date then?" I asked as we did have a dinner night two days ago where she opened the date topic.

"This is our first official date, technically, I just asked to hang out that night," Vic replied, her back against the trunk as she stares at me.

I mumbled an 'okay' before looking away from her intense gaze. Vic chuckled to herself at my reaction, scooting close to me to then place a kiss on my lips, catching me off guard. I let my eyes close after a few seconds of astonishment, opening my mouth when she licked my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. Laying me down on the blanket, Vic hovered over me, legs on either side of my body.

Wrapping my arms around her neck, I pulled her closer, moaning against her lips as the kiss turned from gentle to passionate. Both of us sighing when the kiss ended. Vic smirked down at me before sitting up and going back to what she was doing, leaving me laying on my back very much flustered.

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