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ONCE I finished my conversation with the chef over the phone, I went back inside the venue to find Diana who seemed to be struggling with choosing the right colors Mrs. Marshall would like.

"Oh my God, where have you been?" Diana slapped my arm, I grunted in pain, pouting from the sting.

"What was that for?" I groaned, rubbing my arm that has now a red hand mark.

"Sorry about that, I was just panicking. I don't know what colors Mrs. Marshall likes and I've been looking for you everywhere! Cain has been constantly calling me, he's waiting at the store."

I rolled my eyes, "Clearly you didn't look everywhere, I was literally just outside."

"Enough about that, I've been choosing between emerald green and rose gold. Or is it silver?" She handed me the samples of fabric with the chosen variety of colors.

"Believe, neither of the three," I picked up the three samples of that fabric. Diana's nose scrunching in disgust.

"Basic bitch," She muttered as I handed her one of the samples, the first one being black. "A plain black? Seriously? It doesn't even have stripes of gold."

Oh believe me, I'm sure. The black lace underwear and see through bra lingerie on my closet is the proof of Mrs. Marshall's love for the color black, albeit plain.


STRETCHING my arms, I sighed in relief after finishing the report Sir James asked me to do. Standing up, I knocked first before entering his office. Seeing him hunched over a pile of paper works laid on his wide desk.

"Good afternoon, Sir James," I greeted before placing the report down. "These are the reports from both last week and this week's event. I've also went over the costing and budget requirements."

"Thank you, Venice. You're an angel," He gave me a smile. I blushed, not because he called me an angel, but because of the nickname itself. My mind drifting to Vic.

It's been two weeks since our date at the garden and we haven't seen each other since because of our busy schedules again. She's currently out of state on a business trip and will be coming back two days from now. Although we were both busy, we didn't fail to message and call each other everyday. Our evening facetime calls became a routine I came to love. Vic would call at night between 8 to 9 and we would talk for an hour or so until I fall asleep. I would wake up with our call still ongoing and good morning text from her.

Vic promised me that after the business trip, she would have a month vacation leave in the company where she works at, although I don't know how that is possible. It's also a relief that Sir James would be taking a leave for a few weeks, which means we won't be accepting a lot of big events for the upcoming days, and that means I won't be as busy as I currently am.

"Ready to go?" Brinley asked, bag over her shoulder. I nodded and linked my arm against hers as we walked out of my office.

"Gab!" I waved at them as they leaned against their car.

"What took you so long?" Gab questioned and opened the door for me while rolling their eyes playfully at Brinley.

"Had to finish a report," I leaned to give them a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."

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