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ADMIRING the venue, I should feel proud of myself. I mean, I did organize it; I planned everything, worked my ass off for a week to make everything perfect, and it almost is. I should feel proud, but all I could feel was pain. My heart feels like it got punctured over a million times by needles, and my happiness sucked out of existence.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Diana whispered in awe, scanning around.

"It is."

"Only a few more, and we're done," she said excitedly. I should feel that way too. I should have a feeling of accomplishment for finishing the project my boss entrusted me with. I should be feeling what Diana is feeling. So why can't I?

"You've done a wonderful job, Venice. I'm sure Mrs. Marshall would love it."

"I'm sure she would."

She would probably love this, right? I included all her favorites—every single thing I knew would make her smile. All the things I know could make her happy.

"Oh god, Venice, why are you crying?"

"I'm just really, really happy."


LATE. I'm fucking late to work because fucking Vic decided to be a horny bitch early in the morning. Although it is partly my fault for giving in, I still want to bitch about it. She can't really blame me though; Vic knows she's very hard to resist, especially when given the offer of doing the 'thing' that I love.

"Where the heck have you been, Ven? Mr. Marshall's already been looking for you." Brinley took my bag from me as I fixed my outfit.

"I think I know why," Gab rolled their eyes, eyeing the very obvious hickeys on my neck I didn't have time to cover up.

Brinley reacted with a scandalous gasp. "You're late to work because you were busy fucking."

"More like getting fucked," Gab snickered, and my idiotic friends doubled over in laughter.

I glared at them. "Help me cover up before I beat the shit out of you two."

"You're weak as fuck; what do you mean?"

"Your Asian ass stands at 5'3"," I remarked back to Brinley, who took care of holding the mirror for me while I put concealer on my neck.

"Don't let her height underestimate you, babe. The closer they are to the ground, the closer to hell. She's evil."

"I'll show you evil, asshole."

I shook my head when our bickering once again ended up with the both of them having a petty argument, as always. I left them on their own and went straight to Mr. Marshall's office.

"Good morning, Sir," I said with a nervous smile. This is my first time being late to work, and it's because of an invalid reason. "I'm so sorry I'm late."

"Don't look so scared, Miss Martin. It's fine; we don't have anything important to do today, so you're not in any trouble," Sir James said with a smile. I swear to God, I love my boss so much. He's just so kind. I couldn't have asked for a better employer. "But I do want the report by the end of the week, alright?"

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