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FACING towards Dianna, I frowned as she once again tapped my back for the nth time. Knowing what she already wants from me, I prepared myself for another question. Questions I have the answers for, although I probably shouldn't. People assuming my knowledge of Mrs. Marshall's likes and dislikes is a result of being her husband's favorite assistant. Not knowing that the knowledge I have is because of the intimate relationship we had. The late night talks on her soft bed as I lay my head on her chest after a passionate evening. The walks on the beach while sharing our thoughts and opinions about life. Or just a simple day of cuddling while getting to know each other slowly.

I still know everything about her. From her likes and dislikes, to the way she speaks and acts. From her long golden blonde hair that ends on the middle of her slender back, her bright and intense blue eyes, plump red lips and all the way down. The scars, stretch marks and blemishes that did nothing to lessen her undeniable beauty.

I know everything about her. As she did to me.

Or so I thought.

Because now, I'm not so sure anymore.

"Venice! Are you listening to me?" coming back from my thoughts, I gave my attention to Dianna once again. "I said, what's her favorite drink?"

Her favorite drink...


RED WINE. I crinkled my nose as I watch the woman with weary eyes taking a sip of the red wine she poured for herself. With just a robe on, the woman stood tall as leaned against the desk of the unfamiliar room, her intense gaze making me squirm. I wanted to question why she was drinking alcohol at this time of the day, morning or not, the sun was still up, but my thoughts got distracted before I could even utter the words. Her enticing figure caught my attention. Swallowing the sudden lump in my throat, my eyes went down from her supple neck to her long and slender legs.

"Eyes up, little one," Her raspy voice let out, tickling my ear.

I blushed violently, having been caught admiring her body. Seeing my reaction, a smirk formed on her red painted lips, her eyes scanning my nude body covered with only the white thin sheet.

"Like what you see?" She questioned teasingly, knowing the effect she already had on me.

"I-Yes... I mean, n-no," I stuttered nervously, avoiding eye contact. A gasp fell from my lips when I suddenly felt her finger lifting my chin to look up at her. I felt a sudden jolt of electricity from the simple touch of her fingertips against my skin.

Not knowing how she got close so fast, I didn't have the energy to ask as her face came close to mine. I could smell the alcohol as her breath hits my lips. The combination of her natural lavender and vanilla scent along with the wine made me feel intoxicated.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," I was ordered.

Immediately, my eyes came in contact with hers as if disobeying her was not something my body would like to do. Although my stubbornness kept screaming in my head to not easily give in to this stranger.

G-d, I hate myself sometimes.

I wanted to squirm, feeling something between my legs as my body starts to get hot with how she's looking at me with so much lust. The way her eyes scanned my face as if reminiscing a moment from last night I probably forgot about. My grip on the sheets tightened, waiting for whatever she will do next.

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