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DIANNA ran towards me and I prepared myself for another question. Another question that would bring back memories I'm trying to bury. Memories that keep on clawing at my heart and brain, forcing me to remember each touch, kisses and embrace.

"Fragrance," she panted, placing both arms on her knees as she bent down to breathe. I stared at her in amusement, waiting till she calms herself after the running. "Her favorite scent, what is it?"


CINNAMON. A smile made its way to my lips after smelling the scent of my favorite person as she nuzzles her face against my neck. The morning sun shines its warm light against the window of our apartment. Opening my eyes, it stared right at the forest green eyes of my girlfriend of two years. It sparkles as the sunlight hits her eyes, showing the golden flecks. Her lips turned up into a dazzling smile making the edges of her eyes crinkle. A soft hand then caressed my cheek, making my eyes close once again as I cherish the feeling of her soft skin against mine. A sigh escaped my mouth when her lips met mine in a sweet and short kiss. Enjoying the feeling of her affection towards me.

"Good morning, baby," Sloane whispered against my lips. Her arm snaked its way around my waist, pulling me closer to her warm body.

"Morning," I blushed after hearing the endearment from her, the word never failing to make my heart flutter as long as it's coming from her.

"How's your sleep?" She asked with a smile, rubbing her fingertips against my bare back.

"Good, yours?" I returned the question, snuggling even further into her arms. So warm.

"I slept beside you, of course it was good. Better even," She said with a smile. Feeling my cheeks burn, I avoided eye contact and instead looked at my hands that was placed on her chest.

Sloane chuckled at my shyness, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead before sitting up the bed.

She looked down at me before asking, "Let's make breakfast?"

I nodded before sitting up too. We made our way to the bathroom and did our morning routine before going to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Which is mostly her, to be honest, as I am not someone who should be trusted when it comes to cooking. She did mostly everything while I watched or do whatever she tells me to.

Once breakfast was over, we took a shower together that lasted for almost an hour when Sloane became handsy. Moaning under the warm stream of shower wasn't on my plans, but I'm not complaining.

"You look beautiful, Kierra," Sloane says once I finished getting ready for work, calling me by my second name that only she uses. I'm Venice to my coworkers, Ven to my friends and family, and Kierra to her. I don't particularly use my second name that much, but Sloane loves it.

"Thank you," I bit my lip, blushing. "You look beautiful, too."

She smirked, "I know."

I laughed, hitting her arm, "You're so conceited."

"It's called honesty, baby."

"Whatever you say." I shrugged my shoulders playfully. "By the way, are you coming home early from work?"

Sloane frowned before approaching me, placing her hands on the sides of my face. I sighed, already knowing the answer. She always do this when she's about to say something that would either upset or disappoint me.

Amorous EntanglementМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя