Chapter 13

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(Ok this is not how they look like right now but— Look at that cute picture up there :>

Also please don't be shy and feel free to comment! I like reading your guys' comments and would try to reply to some. Btw, this is a long chapter so hehe!)


—Taehyung's POV—
"You guys make a great team." Yoongi hyung says, exchanging a glance with both me and Wooshik. My heart felt like a sword was pierced into it. The blonde turns his back at us and walks away to another end of a hall. I frown, not satisfied with Yoongi's reaction. He practically lied to Wooshik about having practice, and after that, that's his reaction?

"C'mon Tae, let's go." Snapping away from my thoughts as I turn to the voice's source, only seeing my hyung smiling at me. I smile back at him as he proceeds to open the front door, letting me go out first. He follows and closes the door with.

My heart was caught up at the thought of Yoongi. It's like he could care less about where I go or whoever I'm with. He lets me go that easily, is it just me or am I thinking way too much about this?

"You okay Taehyung-ah?" Hearing Wooshik's voice, I bring my attention back to him. I stare at him for a bit, my mind crossing ways of what to say. I open my mouth, saying whatever came to mind. "It's just I haven't had breakfast yet and you said lunch." I scrunch my eyes, forming a sad expression. Wooshik laughs and walks up to me, wiping my cheeks to go along with the act.

"Then I will get you breakfast as well." He smiles at me as I feel pinching on my cheeks. I trigger my puppy eyes, "Double food?" "Yes Taehyung." A huge grin replacing my frown, holding one of his hands, and bringing it down. "Yes! We're going to drain hyung's wallet!" I joked happily as I lead us both to his car which was parked in front of the house.

Wooshik pulls his hand away from my hand, chuckling as he pulls out his car keys, and with just a tap, the car made a quick beeping sound. He opens the car door for me and bows his waist a bit, he lifts his face to look at me— almost seeming like a prince. A giggle escapes my lips, feeling playful, I pull on his jacket harshly. Catching him off guard, as I place a quick peck on his cheek, letting go of him before seconds could pass. He stays frozen for a bit, seeming to process what just happened, a look of shock appears in his face.

His lips shivered into a smile, as closes the door. I hop in my seat, watching as Wooshik circled around his car to get to the driver's side. One of his hands placed on his cheek where I landed a kiss on, the reaction the older had on his face was as if he couldn't believe it. I laughed at how cute hyung was, immediately returning to an innocent smile once he opens the door.

He gets in, plugs in the keys and starts the car. He shyly looks at me as I crack out one of my boxy smiles to him. He quivers away from my direction as he closes his door, not being able to hold it in, I giggle a bit more at his actions.

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