Chapter 7

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—Jungkook's POV—

So close. I muttered to myself, biting my lips. I turned my head only to be met with shocked expressions from the other members. Then Jimin started ranting.

"What the hell, Jungkook!? We haven't even talked to him about us knowing he's yknow yet and you're already making a move on him?!"

I rolled my eyes, "So? It'll come out sooner or later anyway." I reply, hearing Yoongi scoff,

"Can't believe you're using him. Just because we know he's an omega now doesn't mean you should play with his feelings like this." I growled, feeling a bit taken aback.

"Who said I was using him?" I spat, and paused for a moment. Realising it was was still wrong to talk back to my hyungs.

"Sorry hyung. But it's just that—, uhhhhrr.."

They wait for my response as I let out a sigh, "Just call me impatient." Them getting what my answer meant as they nodded their heads, bugged.

"I just feel a bit— a bit more carefree now. Knowing I have a chance with Tae now given his revealed situation." I trail as the members look at me, seemingly almost shocked. Then Jimin chuckles, "Ah I see, you have a crush on Tae, don't you?" A blush creeps up on my face, thinking how to tell them. "I-I guess I do... I really don't wanna mess it up with him." I say, stuttering a little while the others nod at my declaration. "Oh okay okay— okay Kookie. As much as I wanna give way for you— I'm sorry but— Get in line." Jimin smiles at me while my eyebrows raise at what he said. Get in line? What—?

"Jungkookie, you're not the only one who likes him."

Oh. Oh. Who was I kidding? Tae is the most beautiful person there is, who wouldn't fall for him? I really should've seen this coming.

"Oh okay ChimChim, I guess you're into him too. That's fine, I get it, I get it." I smile towards him as he smirks but then throws a questionable glare at the others. Odd of him to do so but I decided to ignore it, it's probably nothing. "Anyway... is Tae.. ever coming back—?" Namjoon raises his head to look if there was any sign of Tae in the hallway, but it seems to it that he's not coming back anytime soon.

"Aish, Tae was probably scared off to death to what you nearly did, Kook." Hoseok worriedly assures, standing up from his seat and walking away to the halls. Probably to go get something, or ask Tae if he's alright. I shrug somewhat at the thought while Jimin continues to ramble about wanting to be his first kiss or something. Yea, like I'M letting that happen.


—Hoseok's POV—
Aish that maknae—, poor Tae must've been pressured. For all I care, if that happened, wouldn't that have been Tae's first kiss? Somewhat I'm annoyed at the thought and quickly shake it away once I realize that I am now standing in front of Tae's room.

What's odd was that the door was open, Tae must've forgot he left it open. I heard ruffles against items so I peeked in to see what was in Tae's room. Only to find him scattering through his things in his drawers, seemingly panicked. It's like he was trying to find something but to no use, he just kept looking. I stepped in the room quietly and sneaked behind him.


—Taehyung's POV—
Oh my god- oh my god- oh my god—- Where the hell are they?

I cursed in my mind as I continued to dig through my things, in search to find my cologne and scent suppressants.

Where did they go—?! Arrrgh!—

Those two valuable things were suddenly gone. I felt scared all of a sudden, like this effort I was taking in was about to make me cry.

Oh god, what do I do—?

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