Bad Beginning

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June 17th, 1977

In Los Angeles, California, there was a lovely couple who just had their baby girl at the hospital.

when the doctor hands to the baby to the new mother.

she looked at her newborn daughter, especially the new father, she said "we'll call her....... Michelle".

In July 16, they decided to go to their family reunion to celebrate the birth of their daughter.

Little Michelle was crying some, but the mother took care of that, she fed her, and burped her, then she put her daughter down to her crib and left the room.

But an hour later, a fire starting to rise and baby Michelle was just sleeping in a nursery in the other room while the fire was at the living, the kitchen, and everywhere except the nursery. Michelle's mother was about to go into the nursery to get her child, but the fire came to her and she fell down and black out.

The ambulance came to get the fire out and then the check someone who survived but no one did, they were all dead except Michelle's mother who is now dying with her daughter who's in a crib, sleeping peacefully.

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