Chapter 28

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Heyyy guys so I am still working on my new book but I decided to keep publishing here since I do have a bit more free time on my hands :)

So no need to wait til October!!! Here's chapter 28 but it's kind of short for a reason !

It's just going to be a thought chapter with no dialogue.
Enjoy :) <3


Rose eventually forgave me . Sometimes I wish she didn't .

It would be easier if she didn't forgive me.
I still think about all the trauma she probably has right now because of me.

In her words " You didn't know, so it's not your fault." She's too pure. Dangerous but pure.

She's too good for my life. Oh what the hell ?! She's part of this life for good. She was born into it . But she's too good for my personal demons.

I'm fucked.
But every day that passes by I smile a little more.
She's behind that smile.

Every minute, every hour, every second, that passes by, I fall into a deeper trance .

A few more weeks passed by and Rose was doing better . She was back to her bubbly, confident badass self.

Axel was spending time with her too so she could be distracted.
Tomorrow is my 21 st birthday which means a closer step to planning the wedding.

To be honest, If you told a year ago me that I would get married to another girl by force, I would laugh in your face.

I used to hate the idea of getting married to her. Now I'm actually looking forward to it.
Rose healed me. She nurtured me. She tamed my flame and scared away my demons.

I don't know if it's love. Is it too soon to be love ?
She makes me feel different than how Brittany made me feel.

She makes me feel cared for. Her spirit reminds me of my mother. She's angelic. She's beautiful.

She makes me feel complete.
1 year ago I was completely lost. I was broken . My core was lit on fire. I was ruthless.

Now I'm head over heels over this girl.
I'm laughing again. I'm smiling again. I finally have something or someone, that makes me want to wake up in the morning.

She makes it seem like life is worth living for.


Maybe I am in love with her.


A/N - aweee Asher realized he loved Rose :,)
Will he tell her how he feels? Does Rose feel the same way ? Find out In chapter 29 !! Might be released later today or tomorrow !

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