Chapter 6

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When I woke up today I got ready to go to Ronaldo's house. He's still like family to me so I treat him like my uncle and he treats me like his daughter or niece

He used to baby sit me when my dad or mom couldn't . I stopped seeing him when I was 16 because he got busy training his son and I didn't want his son to know about me either . So we both distanced ourselves for a while but our bond never broke . I'm really excited to be around him again.

I put on a pair of black sweat pants and a black hoodie. I put my hair into a bun and I washed my face.
Since today I'm going to set up over there I didn't get super ready. Something comfortable will work .

I get into my car and hop in with Axel . My suitcase and his suitcase are in the back already. I say goodbye to my dad and we leave towards Ronaldo's house.

" Axel I'm telling you. He's so fucking hot!", I tell him groaning. " Girl if you don't get some dick" he laughs.
" AXEL! Ugh I don't know maybe. He seems not to like me though . I don't know what his problem is.", I say .

Axel laughs and pats me on my shoulder. " I mean honey you can't blame him. It must be kinda uncomfortable to see a young pretty thing being with a grown man you've known your whole life ya know?" He laughs.

" yeah you're right . I would also be uncomfortable if it was the other way." I sighed and crossed my arms.

" So do you have your gun?" he asks.
" Of course I do dummy .", I say leaning back to my seat.

" Okay well I contacted our men to let us know if anything goes wrong at the house. Make sure you keep training and working out so you won't slip up. Ronaldo has a training room and he said you could use it. He also has guns in case we need any more ."

" Okay that's good. Make a call to the men to be prepared for anything . I want no mistakes and I don't want to come home to a broken base. Any one who fails to protect my home or tries to betray us will be killed in an instant." I say firmly.
Axel laughs and he makes the call saying exactly what I told him.

We arrive at Ronaldo's house and it's so beautiful. It's classic and modern. Black of course . Huge windows but I'm sure they are bullet proof and tinted so you can't see inside but you can see to the outside.

I park my car and Ronaldo greets us.
" Rosita it's so good to have you back mija", Ronaldo says . He called me Rosita ever since I was little .

Even though he's part of the Italian mafia he knows over 7 languages. Spanish being his second language because his mother was Spanish . " Hi  Ronaldo" , I say giving him a bear hug.

He laughs and leads me in to his house. It's very modern and clean .
He takes me to my room and Axels room is right next to mine. " I wasn't sure if Axel was going to stay with you . I could put in another extra bed in there if you would like." , He says .

" Oh no it's fine. He's my best friend", I say laughing .
" I'm also gay . Totally not into girls ." Axel laughs .

" Well my room is on the first floor. Ashers room is at the end of this hallway. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask him or me . If recommend to ask him . He's going to be the new leader in a few months so everyone treats him like the boss. Also don't worry I haven't told him who you really are. Just be advised. He will be cold towards you and maybe rude. He got over a terrible break up and he does not have well... the best impression of women." , he says frowning.

" Oh okay that's fine. I'll keep that in note." I say .

He tells us good bye and that he will be back home in a few hours before dinner . He tells us we can go to the training rooms or explore the house .

He also tells me that his 4 trusted men whom which my father knows and trusts too. Know about who I am . He says there's someone trying to attack big mafia leaders and my father and I are in one of them.

Including Ronaldo and his son. He explains that in an hour we can go to the meeting room to meet up with them and talk about some plans involving the De Santos gang.

Of course our biggest enemy . The only people who don't know who I am is Asher and the other men .

Me and Axel go explore the house. I haven't been here since I was 15 it looks different. As I started exploring I start to remember where everything was at . Then I hear my name. " Rosita mija!", a woman exclaims.

I immediately recognize her. I run to hug her. She's their trusted maid. She was also friends with my mother and like a second mother to me. I knew her since I was a baby but since I stopped seeing Ronaldo I stopped seeing her too. " Te extrañe mucho mija", She cries . ( I missed you so much) " Yo tambien", I smile and hug her. ( me too)

She tells me how sorry she is for my mothers loss and she said she wishes she knew sooner.
I talk to her for a while and she lets me know if I need anything to go to her .

We head to the training room and I hear men talking . I look around and I see their new guns they have displayed. Damn they were definitely new. I might ask Ronaldo and order some .

The meeting room is right across so me and Axel head inside. The voices stop talking . I see a guy who looks really familiar. " Rosita? Rose is that you!" , the man exclaims. I instantly recognize him as my cousin Ruben.

Ruben is my cousin from my dads side . I didn't know he worked for Ronaldo . " Ruben !?", I go over to hug him. " Rosita where have you been ! Your father let us know you'll be here but I barely recognized you ." He says

" Well I've just been training and my dad has been getting everything ready for me to take over ."
I look at the three other men with their jaws open.

One of them says " Wait . Is this the girl that was supposed to come?!!", he says.
" She's hot!" , another one says.
" Watch it buddies her father will kill you and maybe she will too.", Ruben laughs .

When we are done introducing to eachother we go over some possible attacks between the De Santos gang.
Then Asher comes inside .
" What the hell are they doing in here ?!" , he spat.

Everyone went silent.
" Your father said I can explore the house if I wanted too. So I ended up here . Now I'm talking to these lovely men ." I smile at him.
He gives me a hard look and leaves.
Everyone bursts out laughing in disbelief.

" Girl you're gonna get your ass killed." , one of the men says.
" Yeah no. I'm also about to step up as leader for my fathers mafia. No one gets in my way or talks to me like that ." I smirk.

I leave the room to go change into a swim suit to get in the pool.

As I'm walking down to my room I feel a pull on my arm. I'm slammed against the wall and pinned. It's Asher .
" what the hell?!! Let me go !", I squirm.

He's strong but not as strong as me.
I pull the move that I was taught in case of a situation like this and now I have him pinned on the wall.
" One thing you should know about me Asher. Don't ever mess with me." , I whisper in his ear.

He gulps and smirks.
" One rule for you too miss. You are no one to talk to me like that . Got it ? After you're done with your plan to get money you'll go back to the hole you came from."

I let him go and I'm puzzled.
Does he think I'm a gold digger?
Oh right he doesn't know who I am.
Well I'm going to prove him wrong.

He doesn't know I'm Rose Cruz.
The heir of the Most powerful mafia in Spain.

I turn around and head into my room and change into my most sexy swim suit.
You want to play that game Asher. I'll play that game .

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