Chapter 23

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A/N: if you haven't seen my edit in the first chapter/ flashback I said I will make this into just one book instead. So the chapters I had in mind for the second book will just be here. So it will be a maybe 30-40 chapter book in the end

I also made some mistakes regarding their age and the time line. Rose is 20 turning 21 in two months. Asher is 20 turning 21 in 4 more months .
Also you might be wondering where is Roman and Ronaldo and the men . Well I don't put too much detail in this book for the things that happen. Roman and Ronaldo are currently in a business trip together and the men are still there. I just don't write their interactions in the book.

Rose is turning 21 soon so I will skip some months. Prepare for a lot of twist and turns coming up in the future.


Two months later~


Today is my 21st birthday. I've officially been here for around 4 months. In the past two months some and Asher have actually gotten closer. We have gone out to eat ice cream and hanged out as friends. We haven't had "sexy" time but the sexual tension is definitely there.

My father and Ronaldo are arriving today for my birthday. We will also discuss plans about me stepping up as heir and the wedding. Ugh. It's so much.

I get a message and it was from Asher.
Did I tell y'all how close we got ?
He finally gave me his number and we actually text frequently. He's actually really sweet and nice. He's an asshole yes but he has that side he doesn't like showing.

~~ happy birthday rose. Sorry I couldn't tell you in person just yet. I'm out doing some things because I have a surprise for you. Don't you dare ask what it is ;)

I smile at his text and text him back.

~~you asshole😑you know how much I hate surprises because I'm curious as fuck.

I get another text from him

~~ shut up you know you love me .

That ass hat is so cocky. I turn off my phone and headed down stairs for breakfast. An hour passed by and I heard the door open. It was my dad and Ronaldo .

" Hey dad !! I missed you ." I ran and hugged him. I also hugged Ronaldo.

" Mi niña preciosa! Happy birthday Rosita" my father said and hugged me back.

" happy birthday Rosita" Ronaldo smiled and gave me a hug.

" Now, as soon as Asher comes we will have some things to discuss with you guys." My father said.

I nodded and went to go chill.

Asher then arrived and sat in the couch next to me with my dad and Ronaldo .

" okay so.. Rose you are 21 now and I already signed the papers . You are now officially the leader of the Spanish mafia. Congrats baby girl."

I was so happy . I went to him and hugged him. " thank you, thank you!"
I sat back down and waited for the rest to come.
" Now Asher, your father has something to tell you."

" Asher instead of waiting for your 21 st birthday since it's in a few months, I decided to sign the papers already. You are now the leader of the Italian mafia."

I looked over to Asher and he was beaming. He was so happy. He hugged his dad and he was smiling so hard.

" Now we still haven't merged the mafias yet until next year. So you won't get married til next year in spring."

I sighed at that.

" also rose the word is out that you are my daughter and the new leader so just be careful. We are more alarmed right now."
I nodded and after our talk I headed to my room.

There was a knock and it was Asher .
" Damn well we are now the new leaders." I smirked . " yeah! Damn I'm so happy" he beams.

" oh yeah get ready I have a surprise for you" he smiled. " fine. What do I wear?" Asked.
" mm.. wear something nice but also bring a bathing suit" and with that he left.

A bathing suit? Something nice? What was his definition of nice. Urghh. Boys.

I huffed and put on a tight short red dress. Damn I look good. I stare at myself in the mirror and admire my body. Asher will for sure drool. Ugh who am I kidding like if he even pays attention to me.

I get a black little bikini and pack it in my purse. The first time I use one .

I get in Ashers car and he's staring at me. " like what you see pretty boy?" I teased. He smirked and started driving.

We arrived at a nice restaurant. It was reserved for just us and we ate and chatted the whole time. I really enjoy his company.

Then we get in the car and drive further north. I don't know where we are going. " where are we going..?" I hesitantly asked. " you aren't going to murder me are you?" I said.

" and loose a pretty girl like you? Nope" he chuckled.

Then we arrive to the woods. What the hell?
He takes my hand and he leads me down the path. Then i gasp. Oh my god.

In front of me is a lagoon with a waterfall. It's so beautiful. " Asher this is beautiful.."

He smiles and takes off his shirt . " well ? Aren't you getting in?"

" is it safe?" I asked unsurely .
" yes it is come on" he said laughing.

" okay turn around so I can change" I said .
He turned around and I hid behind a tree. I took off my dress and put on my bikini.

Then I start walking towards Asher. He turns around and I hear his breathing start getting faster. His eyes roam my body. I swallow hard. I can feel myself get red from his stare.

" I.. uh.. let's go in." I awkwardly say.
He grabbed my hand and we went inside the water. Surprisingly it was warm. Then he went under the water and pulled my legs down.

" ASHERRR!!!" I screamed.
He burst out laughing and he let me go.
Then I look at him. His hair was wet and there was water droplets on his chest. They ran down his abs and I can see his v line. God.

Then I look at his face. It glowed under the moonlight. His eyes shined with the stars. There was this feeling in me that made my stomach twist in knots.

These past months I got to know Asher more. I really liked him. The way I felt around him. He made me nervous and made me feel butterflies inside my stomach.

" done staring?" He said laughing.
I quickly get out my thoughts and start laughing.
" yeah right! Like if you haven't been staring at me too." I teased.

Then it went silent. We were 5 inches apart. I can feel his hot breath on my face. I felt my body heat up from this. There was tension. So much tension. And it's waiting to be broken.

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