Chapter 27

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That same night at the club—

After Rose got her drink I went to the bathroom to take a piss. When I got out I saw someone who I didn't want to see. Brittany.

She noticed me and came over to me. She started putting her hands on me and she kissed me but I didn't kiss her back. I was furious but I couldn't move. I haven't been this close to her since we broke up. Even though I saw her a few months ago. It feels weird.

Until I finally came to my sense. I grabbed her wrist and led her to the side to talk. " Listen to me you bitch. Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me . Go with your boyfriend." I spat. " Yeah that didn't work. He cheated on me.. but I want you back baby.. I know you miss me." She said confidently.

I burst out laughing. Is this some sick joke?
" Brittany.. darling. I don't love you anymore. I found someone else. And she's pretty damn special ." I said. Honestly i don't know why I said that. It just came out .

She laughed at what I said. " Yeah sure.. you'll always love me. I'll get you back." She said before she left.

After she left I went to go with Rose . I saw her leaving the club with a man. Oh for fucks sake. I thought this was just between me and her ?!!!

I went to the bar to get a drink and then Axel came. " Hey where is Rose ?" He asks.
" she left with a man. They are probably hooking up right now." I mumbled.

A few more hours passed and Rose didn't return. She definitely went to his place.

After a while, me and Axel left the club. When I arrived home Rose wasn't there. Great.


The next morning I heard Roses room open. She barely came home?! I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I get so fucking jealous when someone gets near her. When she sleeps with a guy. I want it to be just me . Only me . She's not even mine.


I got up and went to make myself some breakfast. After I was done, I stumbled across Rose. She had hickeys all over her neck . I immediately started to feel sick. I don't know why. I've never felt this way. I was furious . I wanted to break everything in my path.

I gave her a piece of my mind and I regretted it. As soon as the words came out of my mouth. I regretted it. I was just pissed. And I know I had no right to be.

I looked in her eyes while I Said those things and I could see them get watery. I couldn't see her cry because of me so I just stormed off.


I haven't come across Rose in a week . Until now .

She opened her door and came out at the same time as me. She was wearing a tank top and some shorts but as soon as she saw me she tried covering her arms.

She had bruises all over her body. On her stomach. On her arms. She had cuts on her thighs. Bruises in her inner thighs.

Her hickeys were gone but I looked at her face and she had a bruise on her cheek. She also had a cut on her lip. How didn't I notice this? The bruises were in the stage of healing so these weren't new.

She had dark under eyes and her face was pale. Her eyes looked tired and swollen like she has been crying for days. Her arms look so thin. She looks so broken. God what did I do... what happened to her.

" Rose.. what happened?" I asked her . I tried to get near her but she looked scared and she backed up and almost tripped. " No don't touch me get away!" She cried.

" Hey.. hey.. Rose it's's okay" I quietly said. I took her in my arms and she cried. " talk to me love.. what happened."


I'm here sitting On her bed waiting for her to speak. I rub my thumb on her hand to try to comfort her. She weakly smiles so I guess it's working a bit.

" whenever you're ready okay?"

She nodded and cleared her throat.
" sorry you had to see me like this .." she awkwardly said.
" um.. well.. after I saw you go with that girl and I thought you guys were going to hook up I was confused and I was just looking at you. And basically a guy had come up to me and talked to me earlier. I think when I turned away he spiked my drink. I got sick and dizzy so I decided to go outside for some air. I didn't know he followed me. Then he pushed me into .." she starts crying.

Oh god. What have I done.

" he pushed me into the alley behind the club. And.. and he . He started kissing me. And touching me. I tried using the force I had left to fight but I was too weak.. I was weak. He started punching me and slapping me. Then I couldn't move or anything and he started undressing me . And the next thing I know I wake up naked. With blood on the floor. Including my clothes in a pile." She looked over to the floor.

My Rose .. I wasn't there to protect her. I wasn't there. If only I had come straight away from
The bathroom.

I was furious. Someone touched Rose. Someone touched her without her consent . That bastard!

" I'm going to kill him!" I spat.
I was confused on why she thought I hooked up with a girl? Then I remembered.

" Rose.. I never hooked up with anyone that night."
She snapped her head towards me shaking
Her head.
" I'm serious. Actually that girl was my ex girlfriend. The one who I despise. I brought her to the side to talk some sense to her. And then I went to look for you but I saw you leaving with a a man.. and I thought.. you were going to fuck him and I.." I rambled on.

Then I felt a pair of arms hug me.

I hugged her back. We stayed in silence for about 30 minutes before I told her to clean up and eat .
It was my fault. This was all my fault.

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