Chapter 21

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I checked the time and it was already time for me to get ready for my date. I took a shower and I blow dried my hair. I let it fall naturally and applied minimum makeup. I put on a short black mini skirt and a black v neck top.

After I was done getting ready I got the text from Jessie that he was here. I headed down stairs and Asher was sitting in the couch. He looked at me for a second. I swear I saw drool form at the edge of his mouth. Wait why am I looking at his mouth. Keep it together Rose.

The silence was too awkward so I decided to finally speak. " I'm going out . I'll be back later"
" Where are you going all dressed up ?" He asked.
" I'm going on a date." I said flatly.
I looked in his eyes and I saw a hint of pain. It only made me feel even more guilty.

I went outside and got inside Jessie's car. Tonight it's all about me and Jessie. No one else .
" You look beautiful Rose."
" Thank you . You look handsome" I smiled.

The car ride was pretty silent. I kept hearing his phone go off though . It was kinda annoying but he's probably a busy man considering the car he picked me up in.

We got in the restaurant and ordered. " So.. Rose.. what do you do for a living?" He asked.
Oh no. What do I say ? " Oh uh I'm a business woman ." I said confidently. It's not like I was completely lying.

" Ah.. impressive . I'm a business man myself too" he said . " That's great" I smiled awkwardly.
Finally our food came so we were able to minimize the talking.

" excuse me real quick I'm going to the bathroom" he said.
I nodded and continued eating my food. Then his phone was ringing. It kept buzzing with texts. I know I'm not supposed to look but I was curious.

I looked at who was texting and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Hey baby :( why aren't you answering me .
The kids miss you. When are you coming back from your business trip. Also the photographer came and delivered our wedding pictures. I won't open them until you're home😊I miss you.- Greta.

I re read it over and over again. Really ?! He's married and HAS KIDS. He's supposed to be on a business trip not on dates with women. God I need to stop this.

He came back and I just stared at him in shock.
" Jessie.. why didn't you tell me you had kids and you were married?" I asked.

He looks at me with wide eyes. " How did- how did you know?!" He asked . " Well your phone kept buzzing and I was going to go give it to you and I saw your wife's text." I said while poking my food.

" Look Jessie. That isn't okay. You need to come clean to your wife. You can't be doing this. I've been cheated on multiple times and it's not the best feeling in the world. You shouldn't have danced with me and we shouldn't have hooked up. Also you shouldn't have asked me on a date. You have kids at home waiting for you. Don't screw it up." I grabbed my wallet and payed for my meal. He needs the money for his family. Then I left .

I had to walk home though . Why does this happen to me.

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