Chapter 1

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You know when you fall in love and you feel like the world stops? Well , I dreamed of having that encounter . As a little girl I watched my parents love each other . They had the type of love you read about in books. The love you see in movies or plays. But every love doesn't last forever.

My mom passed away when I was 18 which led my dad and I to loose the ability to love. Loving someone means being able to loose them. They can slip through your fingers just like that.

Love is nothing but a chance for your heart to get shattered. Especially when you meet the person who's supposed to complete you. It feels like a part of you goes away. You get swarmed in sadness and regret. Regret of not holding them close. Regret of not loving them enough.

Death is something we don't see coming. Death is unexpected. It can come crashing down to someone you love. The regret swallows you up. The regret of not telling them things that you should have . And just like that in a blink of an eye they are gone and leave you with nothing. The only thing left are the memories. Good or bad. It depends .

Sure unexpected things happen But what I didn't expect to happen was to fall in love with him.



I'm going to be honest with you. I never expected to be In love . Of course it had to come one day but it wasn't really what I expected. She tore me apart. My heart shattered to a billion of tiny pieces.

I gave her everything.. all my love, protection, attention, time, loyalty, But she cheated on me and used me. So I never let my guard down again. I became a ruthless person. Someone I didn't want to become .

I didn't give a shit about who I hurt and what I did. I thought treating people the way she treated me was the way to go and I tend to keep it that way.

Love is a distraction. As soon as you're doing good it leads you down to a bad path.

Love is fake. All the smiles, the laughs, it's all a game and manipulation.

Love is a joke. The careless gestures, the pain, the laughing in front of your face or the smug look of accomplishment when you are hurt.

Love left me broken. It broke me. It broke who i am or who I even wanted to become. It destroyed my dreams.

Love left me feeling useless and pathetic. The loneliness. The not feeling good enough. The questions of why couldn't I be good enough?

Love is nothing but a way to let someone break your soul. It's like letting a bullet wound your heart . It's like giving your opponent a clean shot to shoot you.

Love is a weakness. It is used to hurt you. It is made to make you weak to your knees.
And in my life weaknesses are not allowed . Or so I thought until she became my biggest weakness.

it was bound to happen one day.

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