Chapter 9

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I got up today and I decided to go to the shooting range in the training room.
I need to blow off some steam.

I put a sports bra on and my favorite leggings.
I put my hair up in a pony tail and I get a water bottle from the kitchen.

When I got to the shooting range I saw Asher already there . Great.
" what are you doing in here ?!" He says .
" I'm shooting ? What do you think?" I say grabbing a gun.

" Oh please. Listen. Just because you are hooking up with a mafia leader and is " dating" him doesn't mean you can shoot, fight , or have any place in this. Got it?! Go back to shopping and playing with daddy's money."

I almost want to throw up because he thinks I'm hooking up with my FATHER!! FOR FUCKS SAKE.

I take my gun look at my target then I look at him in the eye and shoot. I know I hit the target right where I wanted too because of his jaw basically almost touching the floor.

I've learned how to shoot since I was 7 years old. I know a 7 year old holding a gun screams danger but my father had no choice but to teach me in case I was in danger. When I got older I usually would assist my dad in his missions.

Not only am I the heir of this mafia. Im also the worlds best and most feared assassin. I have an aim of a god from all my experience.
I smile at him satisfied.

" Yeah that was pure luck" he laughs.
I look at him again and rolled my eyes. I turned back around and look at all five targets mapping out where they are and what exactly angles I have to shoot from.

Im also very smart and I have a good eye.

I shoot all five targets perfectly as I knew I was and His eyes widen in shock.
Satisfied with my show I pick up my water, unload the gun and head towards my room for a cold shower.



I come to the shooting range to get my anger out.
I start hearing foot steps coming towards the range as I was unloading my gun I see Rose in a sports bra and a pair of leggings.
Great. Here comes the queen bee.

" What are you doing in here ?!" I say frustrated.
" I'm shooting. What do you think?!" She scoffs.
She grabs a gun and I want to start laughing. Yes I do think girls can do what men can no doubt But this girl.. she's a gold digger who I'm sure thinks money hangs from a tree.

After my little speech she looks at me in the eye and shoots the target perfectly WHILE LOOKING at me. " yeah that was pure luck" I say laughing .

She looks at me again in the eye and rolls her eyes she turns back around and she shoots all. Five. Targets . Perfectly. She unloads the gun and she leaves.

What the fuck.
How does she know how to do all these things.
I need to get to the bottom of this.

These things aren't just that simple to do. Things that's taken me YEARS to figure out. Who is she?


I meet with Evan for the agreements but I got curious  " So what's going on with you and Rose?"

" She's my girlfriend we have been together for 3 years ." He says.

3 years? What the hell? Does Roman know ?
" Oh. Do you know she's with someone else though?" I say.

His face hardens and then he laughs.
" Rose?! With someone else! That's not possible." He laughs and he leaves.

So he doesn't know Rose is cheating on Evan with Roman who's she's also cheating on.
Ugh women. I shake my head in frustration and leave.

I go towards my room when I hear shouting in Rose's room. I can hear Evan yelling at her. A part of me wants to go check out what's going on. I stop myself for a few seconds debating wether to go but yet again couples fight all the time.

Whatever she got herself in this mess. I go towards my room but I'm not prepared for what I saw in the morning.

I woke up as usual to go check the new shipments that came.I come across Rose and I bump into her .
" Watch where you are goi.." I look at her face and she has bruises on her neck and her cheek. She also has a cup on her lip.

" Rose.. who did this to you?" I ask calmly.
She hesitates for a minute and says " Evan.."
I can see tears forming in her eyes and guilt emerges me.

Did he really beat her? Did I really just ignore the fact that he was yelling at her just because I couldn't put my pride aside and be decent for once?

She leaves to her room and she doesn't come out the whole day. I get urges to go and check up on her or bring her food but I don't want to give her the wrong impression.

I would leave her some snacks and water by the door just in case.

At night I hear screams coming from her room. I finally decided to go and check. So quickly got up and barged into her room. I see Evan on top of her pinning her down to her bed .

She was half naked and he was hitting her. She was screaming and kicking at him to not touch her and thar she doesn't want to have sex with him.

I quickly get him off her and punch him.
Even though I don't like her, no woman deserves to be raped or touched without her consent. Let alone be beat up.

Evan storms out the room and I see Rose curl up to a ball . She was crying.
I didn't want to touch her because it felt wrong but I decided to put my pride away.

I tried putting my hand on her shoulder but she flinched.
God what did he do to her.
" Shh.. shh... it's okay Rose I'm here" I say while rubbing her shoulder .

" listen Rose I'm going to get you checked out by my private doctor okay?" I tell her .
She nods. I call my doctor up and she checks on her. We've had her for years. She's taken care of me many times and she's the only doctor I trust.

" sweetie.. who did this to you?" My doctor says.

Rose looks at me and hesitates for a second.
" Evan Rossi. My ex boy friend ." She says.
Ex boyfriend? Was Evan lying all along.
" How long has he abused you for honey"
" Um.. we were together for..."


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