Chapter 26

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This chapter will have some content that
Might be upsetting for you guys. Also , WARNING❗️❗️there's rape/ drugging in this chapter.



When we get to the club we order drinks.
Axel heads off to dance with some " hot" guy he found and I'm just sitting by the bar. Asher is currently in the bathroom.

" hey gorgeous" I turn around to see who's talking to me and it's a guy. He looks a bit older maybe late 20s early 30s . He's okay looking I guess. But not my type.

" uh hey.." I say awkwardly.
" come on don't be shy babe." He touches my shoulder. I don't like where this is going.
I suddenly get a bad feeling in my stomach and then I turn around and my heart drops at what's in front of me. I see a girl hugging Asher. She kissed him. I see him pull back with a confused look on his face .

He just stood there. Frozen. Why isn't he moving?? He grabs her hand and pulls her to a back room. Is he serious??!! I feel a pain in my chest. God I'm so stupid. Why am I feeling this way. He's not even mine. But I thought it was just me and him and now he's hooking up with that bitch!

I turn back around and take a swig of my drink. The man is still there looking at me. Ugh. " can you please go away I'm
Not in the mood"

" come on let's have some fun little lady" he smirks. Gross. " no thanks I'm good." I say annoyed. Then I start feeling my throat close up.
My vision blurrs up and my head starts hurting. Ugh. I didn't even drink so much but I'm already wasted.
"I need some air." I walk out the club and I feel the man following me. Oh no. He pulls me to the Side and grabs my wrists. Oh no no no.

" let me go!" I manage to get out. I can feel my body start to give up on me. No no no ! Where is Axel . No.

" Awe come on princess I am going to have so much fun with you." He smirks and starts kissing my neck. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Then he brings me closer to the alley and starts undressing me. I try to use all my force I have left to break free but instead he punches me. First on my stomach then on my cheek. It stings. I can't scream. I can't talk. I can't breathe. It's not happening again. He takes off my panties and my bra and starts unbuckling his belt. I try to move but I'm met with another blow to my face.

Then everything goes black.


I wake up in the morning in the alley. I'm completely naked. My head hurts like a bitch. How the fuck am I naked ?!!! Here ?!!! What happened. OH GOD NO!

I can't breathe. The images from last night start to come back. I see bruises all over my body. My cheek stings and there's dried blood on the floor. I see my clothes in a pile in the back.

I want to cry. I can't. I was raped last night. Didn't Asher or Axel look for me?! I see my phone tucked under the garbage bin. It's dead.

Oh fuck.
I put on my dress and start walking towards the nearest phone. I call a cab . I arrived home and I was furious . I was sad. I was lost. I had gotten raped last night and I was helpless.

No one knew a thing. They left me alone. I headed to my room and locked myself in there.
I didn't want to look at anyone. Or talk to anyone. It's not like they cared anyway.

I charged my phone and I only had 5 missed calls from Axel. I called him. " hey bitch where were you last night ? We couldn't find you and Asher saw you leaving with a guy" he laughs.

" Axel. Can I talk to you later. I don't feel well"
" of course I bet you're hangover I won't be here today . Just text me okay?" He hanged up.

I changed out of my clothes and put on some pants and a shirt. I'm going to burn those clothes.

I headed down stairs to pick up a book. I wasn't planning on being out. Then I ran into Asher.

When he looked at me he looked furious. What the fuck did I do? He's the one who hooked up with that bitch. " well well. I hope you had fun last night with that guy." He scoffed.

Fun? FUN??!! I was furious. He had no right.
" you know if you wanted to whore around you should have just told me and we could have ended whatever we had." and he stormed off.

I feel my eyes sting. His words hurt. My eyes started watering and I ran to my room and locked the door. I turned off my phone and I didn't come out for days. I didn't eat for days. I didn't talk for days. I was just swallowed in my own pain.

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